Infants sitting in cars for too long can suffocate

According to a new study, babies sitting in cars for 30 minutes are at risk of suffocation.

Posts alert for regular parents for babies sitting in cars for too long on long trips.
According to a new study, which has just been published on the site, the babies sitting in cars for about 30 minutes are at risk of suffocation.

Research indicates, because neck muscle babies are not strong enough to be subjected to the effects and vibrations of car engines as well as the impact caused by the wheel with the road surface. This increases the risk that babies may suffocate and may even die.

Infants sitting in cars for too long can suffocate Picture 1Infants sitting in cars for too long can suffocate Picture 1 Photo source: Internet

" One advice is not to let babies sit for longer than 30 minutes on a journey " - Dr. "Flem Fleming at the University of Bristol said in a statement .

To reach this conclusion, the team created an artificial field vehicle that had an impact and felt like sitting in a car and letting the car run at 30mph, and for a child under two. months of age into the experiment within the framework of safety assurance standards.

After more than half an hour in the car seat, scientists found that the oxygen in the child's blood was significantly reduced, the heart rate increased dramatically higher than normal and tended to be difficult to breathe.

In addition, the experts said that children should not sit in the car for more than 30 minutes , and should have an adult sitting next to and watching the posture of lying down, moving your baby . Avoid letting the baby sit in the back bandage alone.

" There have been cases of babies dying from suffocation while sitting in a car, even pushing a cart to the car but suffocation is still unavoidable, " Dr. Fleming said.

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