Indonesian volcano erupted, creating a column of smoke as high as nearly 200 meters

On Friday, Anak Krakatau volcano in Indonesia exploded strongly, just like the mood of many of us during the period of social isolation!

And even though it's fortunate that you're not at the eruption, you can still admire the great power of Mother Nature in the following great videos.

According to the Jakarta Post, the first eruption began in Lampung province on Friday night, at 9:58 pm (local time), creating a column of ash and dust nearly 200 meters high, existing for 1 minute and 12 seconds. The second eruption took place at 10:35 pm, creating ashes nearly 500 meters high, lasting for 38 minutes and 4 seconds. The newspaper reported that the Indonesian National Disaster Agency said the eruption process continued until Saturday morning.

Indonesian volcano erupted, creating a column of smoke as high as nearly 200 meters Picture 1Indonesian volcano erupted, creating a column of smoke as high as nearly 200 meters Picture 1

One is looking at the Anak Krakatau volcano eruption on Saturday

This is not the first time Anak Krakatau has erupted in the past few years. In fact, this time it was just one of the many times it erupted. One of the most horrific and memorable eruptions took place in 2018. In that year, the volcano erupted and caused a tsunami-like landslide that struck Indonesia's Sunda Straight with no visible signs. newspaper. This event killed 437 people, and left thousands more injured scattered across the beach.

During this erupting event, fortunately there was no human damage. It is known that some coastal residents promptly evacuated after receiving a warning from the authorities.

In the two videos of the eruption below, you can get a close up of the volcano through a webcam on the island. The first video, explained by Volcano Discovery, is a time-lapse showing the process of erupting from start to finish. It all started with pillars of smoke and lava, before suddenly turning into explosions, lava bombs (actually molten rock shot out from volcanoes), and lava streams. In addition to being quite scary, this is a monumental sight that you should see once said.

Krakatau volcanic eruption on 10-11 / 4/2020

Another video, taken by a camera located at a nearby observatory, shows the eruption in view from the coast. This video doesn't show as much as the first video, but you can still see the smoke rising.

Krakatau volcanic eruption on 10-11 / 4/2020

Anak Krakatau means "The Child of Krakatau", referring to its formation from the basin of the famous Krakatau volcano. In 1883, Krakatau erupted, causing a global disaster, killing 36,000 people. According to the Volcano Discovery, the vast majority of the unfortunate people were killed by huge tsunamis caused by the eruption. Besides, the eruption also led to a period of global cooling.

Reference: Gizmodo

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