On volcanic islands, landslides can cause huge eruptions

New analysis of Mount Teide, the volcano on Tenerife, shows a strong link between the landslide and the catastrophic eruptions.

New analysis of Mount Teide, the volcano on Tenerife, shows a strong link between the landslide and the catastrophic eruptions. In fact, scientists have argued about this correlation.

Accordingly, researchers at the University of Southampton's National Oceanographic Center have studied sediments from the island's seabed landslides, finding volcanic materials in the The top layers of each sediment mine. This finding shows that landslides occurred before every eruption.

On volcanic islands, landslides can cause huge eruptions Picture 1On volcanic islands, landslides can cause huge eruptions Picture 1

By analyzing thin clay layers sandwiched between landslides and volcanic sediments, scientists have determined the end of each underwater landslide and the start of each eruption has been separated. each other about ten o'clock.

Teide and the island of Tenerife, located in the Canary Islands off the coast of Spain, are not the only place where this phenomenon occurs and it can appear in other volcanic islands.

"This new study shows that after the initial submerged landslide, from 10 to several weeks a volcanic eruption will be activated - very different from the almost instantaneous landslide eruption. according to the volcanic eruption of Mt St Helens 1980, " NOC scientist James Hunt said in a newsletter. "This information can help scientists devise strategies to predict mitigation of volcanic disasters similar to Teide, Mt. Helens or Montserrat."

The researchers published their findings in Scientific Reports.

Under normal conditions, Teide's magma cavity does not contain enough water and other volatile substances to cause a significant eruption. Scientists say large oceanic landslides have helped to remove volcanic materials and make magma from volatile high-quality magma chambers cause massive eruptions.

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