IBM banned the use of mobile storage devices to share data
Recently IBM is said to have banned global use of removable drives, including Flash, USB or SD cards, to share data. This new policy aims to prevent leakage of sensitive, important information brought by these devices.
According to The Register, IBM Information Security Manager Shamla Naidoo made the recommendation, saying that the company 'expanded the prohibition of sharing data with portable storage devices (like USB, SD card, Flash drive) '.
This recommendation also stated that the aforementioned policy has now been applied in some departments and will be forced to be implemented on a company-wide scale.The Register said that the reason IBM issued this strict policy to prevent 'financial loss and identity loss from employment, misuse, misplacement of mobile storage devices' .
Instead, IBM employees are encouraged to use IBM's 'syng' n 'share' to share data.
IBM banned the use of mobile storage devices to share data Picture 1
IBM is working to protect its internal sharing data
In the context of more and more leaks, information theft is not surprising when a company wants to protect their data by strictly controlling the way the data moves. However, such strict policies also make IT department headaches because sharing software installations, drivers, firmware, patches . all use other mobile storage devices regularly.
It is not clear whether IBM's new policy is limited to any data type or completely banned.
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