List of 52 Facebook companies sharing user data

Facebook has shared user data with 52 different hardware and software companies around the world, including many large technology companies such as Microsoft, Apple, Amazon and some Chinese companies. Data pros like Huawei, ...

After the data leak scandal of Facebook user accounts, many other Facebook users' data security issues were exposed, making the planet's largest social network the largest in history.

Last weekend, Facebook sent a new 700-page report to the US Congress that revealed many secrets. One of them is Facebook sharing user data with 52 different hardware and software companies around the world, including many big technology companies like Microsoft, Apple, Amazon and some companies. Chinese companies have data agreements like Huawei, .

List of 52 Facebook companies sharing user data Picture 1List of 52 Facebook companies sharing user data Picture 1

According to Facebook, they ended the data sharing agreement with 38 of 52 companies and by the end of October, they will continue to stop providing with 7 more companies.

But Facebook will continue to cooperate with companies such as Amazon, Apple and Tobii (an application that helps people with disabilities use Facebook) and share data with Mozilla, Alibaba and Opera so that users can receive Facebook notifications on these browsers.

Below is a full list of 52 companies that Facebook has been sharing user data with.

List of 52 Facebook companies sharing user data Picture 2List of 52 Facebook companies sharing user data Picture 2 List of 52 Facebook companies sharing user data Picture 3List of 52 Facebook companies sharing user data Picture 3 List of 52 Facebook companies sharing user data Picture 4List of 52 Facebook companies sharing user data Picture 4 List of 52 Facebook companies sharing user data Picture 5List of 52 Facebook companies sharing user data Picture 5 List of 52 Facebook companies sharing user data Picture 6List of 52 Facebook companies sharing user data Picture 6

(*): Facebook is in the process of terminating the partnership agreement with these companies.

(**): Facebook continues to provide but does not allow these companies to access user data of users.

See more:

  1. Cambridge Analytica asks for bankruptcy after the scandal with Facebook
  2. Facebook users have to pay to turn off ads
  3. Instructions to block Facebook read theft messages on Android
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