How to Use eXe
The eXe project is developing a freely available Open Source authoring application to assist teachers and academics in the publishing of web content without the need to become proficient in HTML or XML markup. In this article, you will...
Part 1 of 3:
How to Use eXe Picture 1
Download the file from here; there is a download for Windows, Mac or Linux. Save it to your computer and follow the installation procedures according your system.
Part 2 of 3:
Use the program
How to Use eXe Picture 2
Get started with eXe. Go to the eXe sidebar that contains the Outline and iDevice panes. The easy tree type structure allows people to add content pages to the node or home page. You can add multiple levels under this structure.- The Outline tool set allows you to define the structure that your project will take. This is particularly useful for large or complex projects that contain many parts or topics. The Outline pane uses a tree structure to organise related pages. This first page or node is the Home page. This is the top level page and will always display as your project's home page when published. [1]
- The iDevice (instructional device) pane is a collection of structural elements that describe learning content. Examples of these include, objectives, pre-knowledge, case studies, free text. Learning content is created by selecting iDevices from the iDevice menu and entering your learning content. [1]
How to Use eXe Picture 3
Use the authoring window(in the right of the screen) there are multiple various tools that you can use for editing the content that you add.- Add a heading:you can type the heading or title of your choice.
- Add a iDevice type:This is the activity or instruction that has to be followed.
- Use the Rich Text Editor toolbar to edit your text; like changing the font,adding videos or adding images. The possibilities are huge.
- Green check mark:Each time you enter content into a field you must click on the check mark. This records the content in the iDevice and switches the view to preview mode. Note: This does not save your work!
- Blue undo arrow:By clicking on the blue undo arrow, you will undo any changes that might have made to the iDevice since opening it for edit. Please note that some iDevice editing functions (for example, Add or Remove a Question or Option in any of the quizzing iDevices) do not support an undo.
- Red X:By clicking on the red X you will delete the iDevice and any content entered.
- Up and down arrows:The up and down arrows allow you to change the order of the iDevices displayed on your screen.
- Move To menu:You can move iDevices containing content between and within nodes. This is done by opening the drop down menu and selecting the node you wish to move it to.
- Edit iDevice:The page and pencil icon that appears in preview mode beneath each iDevice enables you to edit that particular iDevice. This is done by clicking on the icon which opens the iDevice in edit mode.[2]
How to Use eXe Picture 4
Use the properties tab for capturing relevant project related data. Within this tab you will find three sub-tabs to collect the data.- With the Package tab you can record basic project information like the title from the project, the author and taxonomy.
- The Metadata tab allows you to enter details which may prove useful for searching at a later stage. If the metadata entries are not filled in, eXe uses the package title, author, and the description as fallback values. If you don't set the package title either, eXe will default to using the package filename.[1]
Part 3 of 3:
Load and save files
How to Use eXe Picture 5
Load eXe files. The eXe files are held as .elp files.Before you author a eXe file is must be loaded to the eXe before it can be edited. eXe files are saved as .elp extensions.- Load the .elp files to eXeSelect
in the toolbar. The[1]
- Load the .elp files to eXeSelect
How to Use eXe Picture 6
Save your authored content. To save your content you must follow this procedure or otherwise you will risk that your work will be lost. Select from the menu in the toolbar. The
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