How to install the legendary Alliance on Linux

The legendary alliance is still one of the most famous MoBA games in the world. Although this game has been around for a while and has a huge number of players, it has never appeared on Linux.

League of Legends is still one of the most famous MoBA games in the world. Although this game has been around for a while and has a huge number of players, it has never appeared on Linux. However, that doesn't mean you can't play the League of Legends game on Linux. With Lutris, you can install and play Legendary Alliance easily and get stable performance on Linux PC.

Play legendary Alliance on Linux

  1. Install Lutris
    1. Ubuntu
    2. Debian
    3. Fedora
    4. OpenSUSE
    5. Arch Linux
  2. Run Lutris
  3. Download the legendary Alliance installer
  4. Start installation
  5. Launch the game
  6. Play the League of Legends game

Install Lutris

Let's start by installing Lutris. Lutris helps keep the game library and various versions of Wine organized neatly, making it a very useful time saver.

Lutris developers have created a series of repositories for popular distributions using the OpenSUSE build service. Use them to install the client.


Start by adding the repository to the source file. Replace 17.04 with any version of Ubuntu you are running.

 sudo echo "deb ./" >> /etc/apt/sources.list 

Now download and add the GPG key.

 wget -nv -O Release.key sudo apt-key add - < Release.key 

Update apt and install Lutris.

 sudo apt update sudo apt install lutris 


Add the Lutris repository to the source file.

 echo "deb ./" >> /etc/apt/sources.list 

Add the GPG key of the repository.

 wget -nv -O Release.key apt-key add - < Release.key 

Update apt and install Lutris.

 apt update apt install lutris 


Installing Lutris on Fedora is quite simple. Just add the archive and use dnf to install Lutris.

 dnf config-manager --add-repo dnf install Lutris 


Installing Lutris on OpenSUSE is also very simple. Use zypper to add the repository, then refresh it and install Lutris.

Be sure to replace openSUSE_Leap_42.2 with openSUSE_Tumbleweed or openSUSE_13.2 if you use either of these options.

 zypper addrepo zypper refresh zypper install lutris 

Arch Linux

Arch is one of the distributions that developers include in installing Lutris. But don't worry too much because Arch has been installed the installation package in AUR by the community.

Get PKGBUILD from Arch's AUR page. Place it where you want, then build and install.

 makepkg -si 

Run Lutris

How to install the legendary Alliance on Linux Picture 1How to install the legendary Alliance on Linux Picture 1

You can start Lutris from any other graphics application. The basic screen you get when there aren't any games installed is quite simple. Lutris will prompt you to create an account and add your favorite games.

How to install the legendary Alliance on Linux Picture 2How to install the legendary Alliance on Linux Picture 2

It is best to create a Lutris account. Creating an account is how the client can keep the game library synchronized. This also opens up the option to browse and install games from the platform's website. You can register easily on the Lutris website.

Once you've set up your account, review the client. The middle button on the main screen will allow you to link your new account to the client. Click that link, then enter your username and password.

Download the legendary Alliance installer

Go to the title page for the legendary Alliance game of Lutris. If you're familiar with Lutris, you'll know that these pages contain installer links for each game. In the case of the legendary Alliance game, there are a few options. Unless you're running an old version of Linux, use the 'Latest Version' script , which comes with the most recent fixes for bug fixes.

How to install the legendary Alliance on Linux Picture 3How to install the legendary Alliance on Linux Picture 3

Click the 'Install' link in the 'Latest Version' box to download the script. The browser will prompt you to open the script using Lutris. Please agree and continue.

Start installation

Lutris will open to start the installation. Lutris will ask if you want to start installing the recommended version of Wine.

How to install the legendary Alliance on Linux Picture 4How to install the legendary Alliance on Linux Picture 4

Lutris will start by taking the correct version of Wine and installing it. In the process, Lutris will also ask where you want to install the legendary Alliance game. Unless you have a specific favorite store, no default options will usually work well.

How to install the legendary Alliance on Linux Picture 5How to install the legendary Alliance on Linux Picture 5

Continue installation (accept the default option unless you have other needs). Everything runs 'smoothly' with built-in options (preset).

Launch the game

How to install the legendary Alliance on Linux Picture 6How to install the legendary Alliance on Linux Picture 6

When the installer is complete, you will be asked if you want to create a shortcut for the Legendary Alliance and give you an option to launch the game.

The legendary Alliance game will start by updating itself and ready to run. This process will take a few minutes, so be patient.

Play the League of Legends game

How to install the legendary Alliance on Linux Picture 7How to install the legendary Alliance on Linux Picture 7

After the legendary League game has updated itself, it will launch the login screen. The screen will appear like on Windows, allowing you to log in to your account. You will also notice that the game will still be downloaded in the background. Please log in to your account and wait until the game can be played. When the game is downloaded enough on the computer, you can play the normal League of Legends on Linux.

Hope you are succesful.

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