The League of Legends gaming shortcuts
League of Legends LOL is still one of the top game titles in the world chosen by many gamers. In this online multiplayer battle arena, gamers can unleash themselves with battle tactics, and can learn from other players' experiences.
And while fighting on the LOL battlefield, the shortcut keys will help players to manipulate faster, more efficiently than using traditional manipulation. The following article will summarize to gamers some useful shortcuts when playing game League of Legends LOL.
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Shortcut list playing League of Legends LOL
X key: Show mouse pointer to attack.
Q / W / E / R keys: Use the champion's skill.
Alt + Q / W / E / R combination: Use attacks on yourself if it is Spell like healing, increase attack speed .
Shift + Q / W / E / R / D / F combination: Self-command quickly.
Combination Ctrl + Q / W / E / R: Self-upgrade skills.
D: Summoner spell 1.
F: Summoner spell 2.
A key: Move the hero to the location of the cursor and attack the monster.
S key: The champion stands still and does nothing in all conditions, even if there is an enemy in normal range.
H key: Stops all operations and will operate normally when the key is released.
Key 1/2/3/4/5/6: Use Item in order from left to right, from top to bottom. The order of the item will be as follows: 1-2-3, 4-5-6.
B or 7: Return to base.
Z key: Open the chat window again.
Arrow keys: Scroll the screen.
C key: See general information such as: blood, internal power, armor penetration, network .
P key: Open shop shop window no matter where you are, but still need to stand next to the shop to buy or sell items.
Tab: Open the current scoreboard, help you know what items your opponent is possessing, how much farm can be . to make an appropriate deal.
G key: Turn off mouse cursor to ping.
Y key: Lock or unlock the camera. When locking the screen, the center will be a general, and cannot view other areas, even when moving the mouse away. If unlocked, you can move freely around the map.
Spacebar: Pressing and holding the spacebar will bring the screen to the center of your champion.
L key: Display the monster's health bar, can switch between 4 display modes: show all monster blood, show only monster's blood, not show monster blood and not Now show monster blood even when hovering over monsters.
Combination Shift + L: Hide or show the blood bar on the map.
Combination Shift + K: Hides or shows the general name (the name above the head of the champion).
Combine Ctrl + F: View Ping and FPS of the current game.
Alt + left click: Ping at a point.
Alt + right-click combination: Control clones like Tibbers, Shaco balls, LeBlanc, Morderkaiser.
F1 key: Choose yourself.
F2 / F3 / F4 / F5 keys: Select teammates from 1 to 4.
F12 key or Print Screen: Take a screenshot.
Esc: Turn on the Menu picker.
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Wish you all have fun playing games!
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