How to effectively boost laptop battery?

The correct ways to boost laptop batteries bring the best results for worn-out laptop batteries. Habits to increase laptop battery life

Many users have the habit of using direct power and removing the battery without connecting it to the laptop. This situation can last for a long time and cause the laptop battery to not charge. At this time, we need to effectively stimulate the laptop battery so that the battery can be used again as usual.

1. Can laptop battery be boosted at home?

Laptop battery boosting is considered a highly technical method and if you are knowledgeable and know how to repair laptops, you can completely do it yourself at home.

But above all, technical experts recommend bringing the device to a reputable professional repair center for the best help and support.

How to effectively boost laptop battery? Picture 1How to effectively boost laptop battery? Picture 1

Can laptop battery be boosted at home?

Besides, when using a laptop, you also need to pay attention to keep the laptop battery working well to avoid battery failure or death.

Limit the use of direct power to the device by removing the battery and do not use the battery for long periods of time.

Charge the battery to over 50% capacity when not in use and remove it afterwards.

Store in a cool, dry place.

A full charge cycle depletes the battery after a few months.

2. The most accurate guide to activating laptop battery

  1. Laptop battery not charging

This is a method that requires disassembling the laptop parts to check the laptop battery circuit and the battery cells inside. Depending on the type of battery, the success rate will be different, or for example, if the battery is left for too long without being charged or used, the battery cells will be damaged. In this case, you should replace the battery cells or buy a new laptop battery.

Instructions for activating a laptop battery that does not charge requires technical expertise and is performed as follows:

Step 1: Check the laptop battery circuit to see if it is working. You can skip this step if the battery can still be used for a short period of time.

Step 2: Peel off the plastic shell, check the battery cells inside, which battery cells cannot store or generate electricity to replace dead battery cells

Step 3: Update the device's memory so that the battery can regain the capacity of the replaced battery cell.

How to effectively boost laptop battery? Picture 2How to effectively boost laptop battery? Picture 2

Laptop battery not charging

  1. Laptop battery is dead

Step 1: Turn off the device and remove the battery from the device

Step 2: Use a soft cotton cloth frame, wrap around the battery, put it in a zip bag and leave it in the freezer for about 12 hours.

Step 3: After 12 hours, take the battery out of the refrigerator and wait for the battery temperature to decrease to room temperature, then take it out of the zip bag.

Step 4: Wipe the battery clean. Be careful not to expose it to sunlight or use a hair dryer to dry the battery.

Step 5: When the battery is dry, put it back in the laptop and charge it for 8 hours.

Step 7: Discharge and charge the battery for the next 8 hours, repeat 3 times to increase battery performance.

Note: This method is suitable for battery types such as NiMH, NiCD, other types are not very effective or can be dangerous.

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3. Usage habits to increase battery life

Daily usage habits are the main factor that affects the durability and lifespan of laptop batteries. Battery life depends on the number of charges and uses. Over time, the health of the battery will gradually decrease.

How to effectively boost laptop battery? Picture 3How to effectively boost laptop battery? Picture 3

Usage habits to increase laptop battery life

With some modern laptop models, the battery can automatically stop charging when full, so it is not necessary to remove the battery when in use.

Screen brightness changes to suit the laptop's environment, helping to save battery power and not affect eyesight.

Optimize tasks on the screen. Sometimes there are too many tasks, software, the battery has to consume more power than usual and reduce battery life.

Install software to optimize parameters and minimize power consumption

Regularly clean your laptop, battery tray, charging cord, slots,.

Choose a battery with multiple cells for longer battery life.

Above is the most basic information about the most effective and accurate laptop battery boosting methods . Hopefully, it has provided readers with the best knowledge for their laptops. TipsMake - Computer, phone and computer components supermarket nationwide. Contact the hotline immediately for the best advice and support: 1900.1903

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