How to check Viettel's registered service?

Viettel and other carriers have launched many value-added product packages and services (VAS) to fully serve the utilities of all aspects of life. However, if a subscriber uses too much, it is necessary to control what services they are using. Moreover, there are many reflections about unexpectedly being charged because a service that he remembers has never registered, so check back and from there the operator also instructs to cancel the service if necessary. ..

Viettel and other carriers have launched many value-added product packages and services (VAS) to fully serve the utilities of all aspects of life. However, if a subscriber uses too much, it is necessary to control what services they are using. Moreover, there are many reflections about unexpectedly being charged because a service that he remembers has never registered, so check back and from there the operator also instructs to cancel the service if necessary. .

  1. How to check the registered Vinaphone service?

Method 1: SMS

Prepare TC message to 1228 to see the list of registered value-added services of Viettel subscribers. In the reply message, Viettel will also include syntax instructions for canceling the service.

How to check Viettel's registered service? Picture 1How to check Viettel's registered service? Picture 1

Method 2: Go to Viettel website

Step 1 : Go to Viettel website and log in with Viettel account. After logging in, click the Add-ons item and then select Prepaid Mobile .

How to check Viettel's registered service? Picture 2How to check Viettel's registered service? Picture 2

Step 2 : Go to Search for VAT service , enter the security code and click Confirm .

How to check Viettel's registered service? Picture 3How to check Viettel's registered service? Picture 3

How to check Viettel's registered service? Picture 4How to check Viettel's registered service? Picture 4

Good luck!

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