12 tips to make memorizing knowledge easier

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People often have to learn all their lives but still cannot know everything, because at the same time we also forget a lot of known information. Why is that?

We decided to find out why this happened and found ways to help remember information more effectively. A popular method for quick memorization of information created by Hermann Ebbinghaus - German psychologist.

Why do we forget quickly?

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The brain helps us avoid overloading with useless information. That's why all new data is stored in short-term memory, not long-term memory. If we do not repeat or use them, we will forget quickly.

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Forgetting curves Ebbinghaus shows that we often forget more than half of what we just learned after an hour. And after a week, I seem to remember only 20%.

So how to remember everything?

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To remember quickly:

  1. Repeat the first time right after learning;
  2. Repeat for the second time after 15-20 minutes;
  3. Repeat for the third time after studying about 6-8 hours;
  4. Repeat for the fourth time after 24 hours.

To remember information for a long time:

  1. Repeat the first time right after learning;
  2. Repeat for the second time after 20-30 minutes;
  3. Repeat for the third time after 1 day;
  4. Repeat for the fourth time after 2-3 weeks;
  5. Repeat for the fifth time after 2-3 months.

In order to remember longer data, you need to include this information in long-term memory. Trying to memorize is not very effective in this case, because our brains cannot understand data quickly and create sustainable connections.If you want to remember something for a long time, you need to stretch the memo interval from a few days to a few weeks.

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In addition, you can train memory with homemade memory cards ( such as flashcard ) or specialized applications like Anki ( Android, iOS ) or SuperMemo ( Android, iOS ).

Here are 12 tips to make things easier:

  1. Try to understand what you have learned. Things you understand will be remembered nine times faster.
  2. Understand the most essential information . You need to set the priority order correctly.
  3. Things to note: The information in the first and last position in a sequence is often best remembered ( Serial position effect ).
  4. Turn your attention from one subject to another. The same memories can be mixed together ( perturbation theory ) and become ' messy '.
  5. Learn even the opposite . For example, if you are learning a new language, when learning the word ' daytime ', you should learn more words against it as ' night '. Opposite things make it easier to remember.
  6. Build your own ' place of imagination '. The idea is to connect what you learn with specific things or positions. Suppose you are learning in your room, try connecting what you are trying to remember with something in the room. Repeat that idea several times. Then, try to remember what the room looks like and remember what you are learning this way.
  7. Use 'keywords' . The purpose of this technique is to link things to remember with a keyword. To remember this keyword, you will immediately remember what you want.
  8. Combine new words with what you have learned . If you learn a new language, you can memorize new words based on what you already know.
  9. Make up a story . If you need to memorize a lot of information in a certain order, try to put each little idea together into a story. In particular, you have to let those small ideas connect with each other in a logical circuit to make it easier to remember and not be confused with the order.
  10. Use audio recorder . Record the information you are learning and listen to it again and again. This method is most effective for those who are able to memorize voice information well.
  11. Specific visualization . Use body language when memorizing or memorizing. Doing so will help strengthen the memory.
  12. Choose the best resources . Old and outdated books or methods should not be used. Things and phenomena can change a lot since the book was written. Therefore, do not waste time on things that are at risk of errors.

See also: 8 life tips to keep in mind to keep you safe

Having fun!

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