Ways to remember everything you want in the fastest and longest way
In everyday life, memorization is a skill that everyone must have. From the moment you were born, you had to learn how to remember the colors, objects, and shapes of the people around you. When you grow up and go to school, you need to remember the content of the lessons taught every day.
Memorizing without understanding will make it difficult to remember the knowledge for a long time and apply it properly. Basically, you always need to understand the nature of the problem. That is also the most effective way to memorize quickly and for a long time.
Reading over and over again will help you remember, but do you have the patience to reread books that are hundreds of pages long or specialized textbooks like engineering, science, electronics.? The answer is definitely not!
And of course, it is impossible for you to remember it just by reading it once, unless you possess a genius "brain" or know how to use some kind of "memorization magic".
So is there no other way to remember? Of course yes, those are the steps guided in this article, but it should be emphasized that you need to persistently practice and apply every day to see results. Otherwise, even if you try, you won't be able to remember anything.
Before starting, how are your hearing, vision and learning experience? If you are a person who has a habit of learning by listening, the most effective way for you to grasp information is to listen directly to the person/medium conveying that information. If you have good imagination, the most effective learning method will be more visual, observing to learn or relying on illustrative tools. If you only remember best when information is described and demonstrated by actual events, then your learning style is based on experience.
At this point, don't try to decipher which one method you belong to, because most of us apply at least two of the above methods. However, not everyone knows how to maximize their benefits to remember all the knowledge that needs to be remembered.
1. Prepare
Choose a study/reading environment/documents. Many people remember information better when working in a quiet area, others find it effective if the environment has a little noise such as instrumental music, rain, cafes, libraries. Find Give yourself an environment that you feel is most suitable.
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Next, start your study session by drinking some tea. Many scientific studies confirm that green tea is considered a natural catalyst that helps improve memory. In more technical terms, our ability to recall information is connected to nerve cells in the brain by "synapses". The more you practice these joints (repeating the information you need to remember), the stronger and more flexible they become, contributing to increased memory ability.
As you get older, toxic chemicals will damage nerve cells and "synapses" leading to reduced memory ability and some diseases such as Alzheimer's or dementia. Drinking green tea while reading, working or reading documents will prevent these toxicities and improve the activity of brain cells.
2. Record what you need to remember
This method is very suitable if you are in a classroom, conference, seminar. and your learning style is mainly based on hearing. By using a voice recorder to record what you hear, then listen to it over and over again and you will see your ability to remember improve significantly.
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For those who are trying to memorize a speech, document or piece of information you want to remember, read it out loud and record your voice. Then, spend time listening again (when taking a shower, washing clothes, cleaning the house, cooking.) and you will find you can remember more information than you think.
3. Write down what you need to remember
Not only recording, writing down what you read is also an effective way to increase memory. You can listen to the recording while taking notes or after reading a book, write down the main ideas that you don't want to miss. If you persevere in applying it, you will find this way of learning extremely interesting.
This learning style is best suited for experiential learners.
4. Organize notes
After copying the information you need to remember into your notes, divide them into related sections and mark them with color codes to distinguish topics. This is ideal for visual learners and helps break down the information being recorded in your brain.
5. Apply information repetition method
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For each line of text, try to repeat it a few times in your head and practice memorizing it quickly without looking at the paper. Once you remember each part of the text, continue to add new information to your brain.
6. Write down what you remember
Write down what you just read, but don't forget to take the time to copy down the information you remember. Every week, you can schedule some time to write down everything you have remembered from your memory. Thanks to that, you will consolidate the knowledge you have learned, relating it to situations by creating new relevant contexts, no longer depending on the author's point of view.
7. Teach it to others
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One of the most effective methods of learning and remembering is to convey the information you have learned to others. At this point, you are no different than a "teacher" trying to use your own words to explain knowledge for "students" to understand. You do not need to memorize or read all the content in the book verbatim. Simply remember the important ideas.
8. Rest
Don't constantly cram new knowledge into your head. Instead, take a short period of time not thinking about studying and of course after the break you will return to studying. A relaxed mind will help you know what you are weak about so you can focus on it.
In addition to these ways, Tony Buzan's memorization method through visualizing information by creating mind maps is also an effective way to learn.
9. Turn important information into a memorable story
Need to remember names, locations or any other useful information? If you just memorize it, you will probably forget it easily after a period of time without touching it. Instead, try turning that boring information into an interesting story. That will cause them to 'etch' themselves into long-term memory in a natural way.
Think of strange situations and stories that specifically contain the words, phrases, and information you're trying to remember. Because stories are often easier to remember, they will naturally stick in your memories and be ready for you to use when needed.
Other quick ways to remember:
- Through songs and jingles : This trick uses the right side of the brain and can help us remember complex things like equations or long lists. There are already many songs for lessons like the quadratic formula. You can go to Google and search. If you haven't seen anyone create a melody, you can create your own according to the music that makes it easiest for you to remember the content.
- Make the most of your 5 senses : Try to use all 5 senses as much as possible when studying or researching certain content. This method helps you use more parts of your brain and remember information better. For example, if learning about anatomy, try choosing related models, feeling each part and reading their names out loud.
- Using visual images: This is one of the effective ways to memorize for a long time for both children and the elderly. Vivid and intuitive images make it easy to understand when learning a concept that is difficult to describe in words. Images are important because they connect directly to the visual center of the brain. Pictures help you remember difficult concepts by targeting key memory areas. On the other hand, you don't just use photos, you can also take advantage of all 5 senses. Thanks to that, you can easily recall information when needed. Instead of just looking at photos, try smelling, feeling, and listening to the images. For example, if you're trying to remember Louisiana's Baton Rouge, try drawing a girl named Louise holding a red baton.
- Reread notes : Rereading notes can help you remember the information you wrote down. An important part of this strategy is to read your notes, including annotating them, rather than just reading or skimming through them. When you absorb information by highlighting, underlining, or even taking additional notes, it can increase your comprehension of the material and your ability to remember the information.
- Create flashcards : Flashcards can be an effective study tool that helps you learn and review a lot of information quickly. With this strategy, creating your own flashcards can be especially helpful. A popular way to use flashcards is to write words and concepts or place images on one side of the card and include their definitions and explanations on the other side. Here are some tips for using flashcards:
- Review your stack of cards several times.
- Shuffle them often as you study to eliminate a predictable order of information.
- Create a game using cards.
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