'Remember your face and forget your name', remedy and method for practicing super memory

Anyone can have super memory if they know how to practice.

'Remember your face and forget your name', almost everyone has ever been in this case. The results of a survey of 800 people in the US showed that someone's name is the thing they forget most.

People still argue that it's because their memory is poor. But memory champion Kevin Horsley, who can remember 10,000 decimal places of Pi, thinks otherwise. He thinks that anyone can have super memory if they know how to practice.

'Remember your face and forget your name', remedy and method for practicing super memory Picture 1'Remember your face and forget your name', remedy and method for practicing super memory Picture 1
Memory champion Kevin Horsley.

Explaining the 'remembering the forgotten face', Kevin Horsley said the cause of this phenomenon is because we often do not hear their names even when introduced at first.

The truth is that we store more images in memory than sound, because 90% of the information we receive is visual. Therefore, it is understandable that we often remember our faces more than remember someone's name.

According to Kevin Horsley, we can improve our memory skills by practicing.

First, you have to focus and really listen to the name. After that, take 20 seconds to assign a meaning to the name and turn it into an image to help attach it to the head. The more unique and ludicrous the picture is, the better it is because we often remember the absurdities better than the logical ones.

'Remember your face and forget your name', remedy and method for practicing super memory Picture 2'Remember your face and forget your name', remedy and method for practicing super memory Picture 2
We remember the absurdities better than the logical ones.

Practice reflexes so that when you receive new information you want to remember, you can create any image.

When you're ready, start practicing the next trick, which Horsley calls by a few names like journey, car method, body method. Attach new information to old information to create new nerve connections in your brain. This will make remembering information easier and longer.

For example, to be able to remember and list the Oscar-winning movies of the 90s, you can use the body method. The first part is the legs. To remember the fact that the movie "Dancing with wolves" won the prize in 1990, you can imagine yourself wearing shoes with wolf prints and dancing with it.

The award-winning film "The Silence of the Lambs" in 1991, imagine your knees are knocking together cause noise in fear. To keep them quiet, use an oval printed pillow to keep it in the middle.

In 1992, the Oscar-winning movie "Unforgivable," picture your waist bulging from overeating and being lazy to exercise. This makes you unable to forgive yourself.

As a rule, attach information to the back of the list with the upper body parts. For a longer journey, from the feet to the top of the head, attach them to familiar objects. When practicing this method, remembering the capitals of 197 countries in the world is at your fingertips.

This is the method most memory champions are using. If you want to have a super memory, start practicing from this method.

'Remember your face and forget your name', remedy and method for practicing super memory Picture 3'Remember your face and forget your name', remedy and method for practicing super memory Picture 3
Attach new information to the old information to remember it better.

Journey memorization method (LOCI) helps remember very long and deeply

First, think of a familiar place where you can know every nook and cranny of the house you live in, for example. Next, visualize a series of locations where you think of them in logical order.

For example, the road usually goes from the front door to the back door of the house. The journey starts from the front door, into the living room, along the corridor into the other rooms including the dining room, kitchen and back door.

When entering a room in your home, move in a logical and consistent manner in the same direction as the entire room. Each piece of furniture along the way, can be considered an additional location. Attach each item you want to remember at each location of the house. When you want to remember, visualize the house and repeat the journey from the front door to the back door in memory.

The specific example below will help you easily visualize how this loci works. You need to buy milk, eggs and bread when you go to the grocery store. Everything that is converted into a journey with the imaginary position of a toilet is: the eggshell is the floor, milk is the tap and bread is the towel.

'Remember your face and forget your name', remedy and method for practicing super memory Picture 4'Remember your face and forget your name', remedy and method for practicing super memory Picture 4

Practicing super memory is like any other skill in life, you have to practice continuously. The more you practice, the more joints you'll make in the brain. Meanwhile, the memorization will become easier.

For example, Horsley suffered from dyslexia as a child. When he graduated high school, Horsley's reading speed was equivalent to a 5-year-old child, but he had a passion for memorizing and practicing it after every lesson. Today, Horsley is fluent in three languages, able to read a book a day. For 30 years, every day Horsley brought something new to his memory.

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