Google wondered before Chrome and Android

The first laptops to work on Chrome OS are announced to be officially available next month. However, around this announcement, there are many questions about which operating system will be the main development strategy of Google and Android?

The first laptops to work on Chrome OS are announced to be officially available next month. However, around this announcement, there are many questions about which operating system will be the main development strategy of Google and Android?

Google wondered before Chrome and Android Picture 1Google wondered before Chrome and Android Picture 1

A completely new concept

Chrome is the operating system operating on Chrome OS web platform is considered the latest attempt of Google giant in changing the way people use computers. They work completely differently from Windows, which is web-based and promises only a few seconds of booting and does not need a hard drive to store data. But in return, this operating system is entirely dependent on the Internet connection.

Therefore, users will not need to worry about antivirus software, firewalls, backups and application updates. Chrome works like a web browser and people can use all applications like email, word, excel right on the web instead of having to install the software today.

This operating system has become a notable focus on the last day of Google's developer conference. Two major computer manufacturers, Acer and Samsung introduced the first laptop to install Chrome OS. It is expected that this product will appear on the market in mid-June.

As such, Chrome laptops will change the way users think and use computers. They do not require users to know a lot about computers, it does not take time to install. Therefore, they are suitable for most common users who always want to use what is available on the computer. They do not need to set the optimal mode, install the application because they are all available on the ' cloud ' just to use.

However, many questions have been raised about what is Google's long-term goal for this platform and whether they affect the giant's strategy with Android? Android is currently installed on the smartphone and has a version for tablets. However, right at the Google Developers Conference, Google also announced its ambition to turn Android into an operating system that can be installed on any device and will penetrate deeply into households.

Meanwhile, Chrome has entered the laptop sector to reshape the way people access the application.

Chrome and Android: Which operating system will Google prioritize?

One important difference of these two operating systems is the device line, some Android support and others are designed to use Chrome. While the Android market is growing strongly and overwhelming many big names, Chrome is just starting to enter the market.

Google has unveiled netbook devices that operate on the operating system, providing the public and community with a new concept to explore. But is the device operating on Chrome a vital issue for Google's long-term development? Even though, their birth has a little promise of internal competition with Android itself. But Google will surely have two strategies for the development of these two operating systems.

On the other hand, developers are also puzzled wondering what platform to focus on, one is to choose Android with immediate benefits or to bet on a future platform (Chrome). However, many experts say the search and advertising giant will want to combine both platforms and support them to promote each other to grow. They will help Google dominate over other competitors in the long run, especially Apple and Microsoft.

With the new operating system, Chrome is targeting businesses with great demand for equipment. They will provide office workers with a web-based solution for operating and managing applications, serving as a hub for Google services such as text, calendar, gmail, etc. They will provides users with different experiences and approaches in the new world.

Therefore, many experts believe that, at this time, Google will need to combine these two strategies rather than letting them cancel each other out. They create two foundations to be able to compete with other competitors in the future. If Chrome succeeds, they will overturn the dominance of the packaged operating system produced by Microsoft. Meanwhile, Android is still conquering the smartphone and tablet sectors. Google asserts that it will not prioritize developing either of these operating systems and motivating them to support each other for development.

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