Free Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 for Windows 7 users Picture 1
Check the 2 options below and click the Registrieren button to register your account.
Step 2 : After completing the registration, an email with the info title is sent from , which contains the link, click on this link to activate the account you just registered.
After clicking on the link, you will be redirected to a new website, no need to worry about this site.
Step 3 : Next, visit here, enter the registered username and password above and click the Login button.
Free Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 for Windows 7 users Picture 2
Step 4 : Wait a moment, you'll be transferred to a new web page similar to the illustration below, check the second option (out of 2 options) and click on the ' Lizenzschlüssel anfordern ' button on the side below.
Free Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 for Windows 7 users Picture 3
Step 5 : After pressing the button, you will continue to receive new email from COMPUTER BILD , which contains the copyright code of Kaspersky Security Suite CBE (the code is highlighted and highlighted in red).
Note : This activation code can only be used with Kaspersky Security Suite CBE for Windows 7, all other versions of Kaspersky cannot be used .
Step 6 : Download the installation of Kaspersky Security Suite CBE here.
Step 7 : After downloading, activate the file , a dialog box asking you to enter the activation code before starting the installation, copy and paste the above activation code into the dialog box and click Weiter button to continue.
Free Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 for Windows 7 users Picture 4
Note : The interface of the installation process is displayed in German, so you will have some difficulties. During the installation process, simply enter the second button (from left to right - corresponding to the Next button) until the installation process is completed .
Step 8 : After completing the installation process, the main interface of Kaspersky Security Suite CBE Win7 is still displayed under the interface in German. From the main interface of the software, you can press Shift + F12 to switch to the English interface (making it more convenient to use).
Now, you can proceed to update the database so that computer protection software is more secure and effective.
Extension of usage time
How to guide above will help you get a Kaspersky Security Suite CBE trial within 3 months (90 days), after a period of 3 months, before the end of the few days of trial, repeat step 3 and step 4 to get the new license code.
After obtaining the new license code, at the main interface of the software, click on the License item.
Free Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 for Windows 7 users Picture 5
In the License Manager dialog box that appears, click the Active new License option .
Free Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 for Windows 7 users Picture 6
Then, using the new license code, fill in the dialog box to activate and extend the time to use Kaspersky Security Suite CBE. After this license code ends, you continue to use the above method to receive new license codes.
Note : In case the license code because the old account is unavailable, you can create a new account (done in step 1) to receive the different license codes to use .