Do you know how tall it is?

We all know that the sky is vast and vast and the destination is that people still have the effort to conquer. But how many people can answer the question of what exactly the sky is and how tall is it?

We all know that the sky is vast and vast and the destination is that people still have the effort to conquer. But how many people can answer the question of what exactly the sky is and how tall is it?

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By definition, the sky or the sky is all that lies above the surface of the Earth, including the atmosphere and the outer space.

Do you know how tall it is? Picture 1Do you know how tall it is? Picture 1

The Earth's atmosphere is a layer of gas that surrounds our planet and is retained by the gravity of the Earth. The atmosphere is divided into 5 floors, each with different characteristics and properties.

Troposphere : is the closest layer of the atmosphere to the ground. This floor is about 16-18 km thick and the higher the temperature, the lower the temperature. All weather phenomena happen daily, sticking with us like rain, wind, storm, snow all take place in the troposphere.

The stratosphere or gas stratum : is the floor from about 18-50km and there are few strong vortex currents. At this level, the temperature increases with altitude, the temperature in the top of the stratosphere can be up to -3 degrees Celsius. The reason is that this layer contains the ozone layer absorbing the sun's ultraviolet radiation.

Middle layer : 50-85km from the ground. This is the coolest of the 5 atmospheres, the temperature gradually decreases with the height due to the heat from the absorption of ultraviolet light from the sun of the ozone layer disappears and the cooling effect of CO2. The temperature in the upper part of the middle layer can be down to -90 degrees C.

Thermal floor (also known as electrolysis) : from 85-640km from the ground. The temperature in this layer gradually increases with height. The temperature will be around 3000-4000 degrees Celsius when at an altitude of 400km.

The outer atmosphere: is the last layer of the Earth's atmosphere before entering outer space.

Do you know how tall it is? Picture 2Do you know how tall it is? Picture 2 Do you know how tall it is? Picture 3Do you know how tall it is? Picture 3
Do you know how tall it is? Picture 4Do you know how tall it is? Picture 4

Space outside the universe is divided into specific areas called star clusters.

In the daytime, we often see the sky is blue because the air scatters more blue light than red. At night, the sky is engulfed in darkness, we only observe the light from the stars and the Moon.

See also: Can you answer the question: How many stars in the sky?

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