Do not click on strange links or your phone will be hijacked

Fraudsters took advantage of message vulnerabilities to take control of the device without the victim clicking on the link sent. Users just need to open and view the message to be infected with malicious code.

Many people believe that there is nothing to worry about malware infection without clicking on dangerous links, opening suspicious files, or installing programs from untrusted sources. However, the truth is not as it appears to be.

Sophisticated "zero click"

In fact, there is an exploit called "zero-click", which does not require any action on the part of the target user (clicking on the mouse or clicking on the message) and yet the scammer can still take control of it. device.

Specifically, scammers took advantage of message vulnerabilities to take control of the device without the victim needing to click on the sent link. Users just need to open and view the message to be infected with malicious code.

Do not click on strange links or your phone will be hijacked Picture 1Do not click on strange links or your phone will be hijacked Picture 1

To be able to use this difficult and complex technique, hackers need to invest a lot and research zero-click security vulnerabilities.

These vulnerabilities are very dangerous and highly effective in financial fraud attacks, so they are often sold on the black market for prices that can even reach millions of dollars.

Information about security vulnerabilities (including those suitable for creating zero-click exploits) is also often posted by leading security companies.

So, cybercriminals can follow news in the security world for information and exploit this vulnerability in their malware.

Preventing zero-click attacks

Software developers try to fix vulnerabilities in their products as soon as possible. However, not all users install and upgrade updates to fix security vulnerabilities.

This is extremely dangerous because bad guys do not need to be professional hackers to create malicious code based on zero-click vulnerabilities to directly attack a series of users who do not update patches. So users, update your devices and applications regularly, including web browsers.

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