Critical error found on Android Lollipop 5.0?

Google's Android Lollipop 5.0 is considered to be the hottest update ever. Similar to Apple's iOS 7 last year, Lollipop brings Android users an almost comprehensive change in the interface with the new Material Design design language.

Android Lollipop 5.0 of Google is considered the "fever" update ever. Similar to Apple's iOS 7 last year, Lollipop brings Android users an almost comprehensive change in the interface with the new Material Design design language.

Critical error found on Android Lollipop 5.0? Picture 1Critical error found on Android Lollipop 5.0? Picture 1

This new design has really made Google mobile platform " modernized ". However, unfortunately for those who have updated to Android 5.0 because they are facing an inconvenience.

A lot of users have shared their complaints on Reddit and many other large Android blogs about a change that could be a serious error, or it could be an unreasonable omission from Google. A thread on Reddit talking about this issue now has 415 comments.

According to the above complaints, Android 5.0 version has completely removed the Silent Mode of Android. This mode helps users to turn off all audio and vibration notifications, which they can normally activate by pressing and holding the volume down button. The volume down to level 0 will also activate the " vibrate only " mode and when you press the volume down button once again, the device will switch to Silent Mode.

Android 5.0 adds a new mode called Priority Mode to help users block all notifications on their smartphones or tablets, but those who have a habit of activating Silent Mode with volume down buttons on Android smartphones will see it. Expected by Priority Mode is absolutely not an alternative.

However, on the Nexus 9 tablet running Android 5.0, users still have the option to activate Silent Mode by holding down the volume down key. That's why many Android fans believe that this is definitely a pretty serious error on phones running Android 5.0, not a deliberate change from Google.

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