Complaints about YouTube in 2014

YouTube is a video sharing social networking site that is so familiar to us. However everyone is at fault, let's see how YouTube users accurately reflect on YouTube's issues!

YouTube is a video sharing social networking site that is so familiar to us. However everyone is at fault, let's see how YouTube users accurately reflect on YouTube's issues!

Complaints about YouTube in 2014 Picture 1Complaints about YouTube in 2014 Picture 1

This video is shot with different situations that occur when users report to YouTube's incident reporting center. The main character is the girl at Laura McDonald's center . As mentioned above, videos accurately reflect YouTube issues, and the incident reporting center is no exception. Laura's behavior and attitude in the video is what happens to YouTube.

With many different circumstances, bad jokes and jokes, you will have to turn on laughter because some YouTube users are so silly unbelievable, or the discomfort from Google+ makes people want to go crazy. The most obvious point in the video is Laura, chubby, cheeky, hard to discourage users .

And don't let you wait any longer, here is the YouTube Complaints 2014 video! Vietnamese language has been conducted to make it easier for you to imagine the conversations in the video:

It should be noted that this is just a fun and entertaining video for everyone. Don't think negatively!

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