Big Brother dictator here and his name is Facebook
The book released in 1949 and now is 2017 but although there is not really a Big Brother, the scenario that Orwell describes is quite similar to the current situation. This is not about a fascist government or political parties but about the loss of personal freedom and the influence of the Great Growing up of us, it comes from no one else but because of how we share it. Social Network.
- 5 Facebook privacy settings you should know
What is privacy?
In 2013, Vint Cerf - who was said to be the father of the Internet, said that 'privacy may actually be an unusual thing'. Throughout history, people who like being in the community, the concept of privacy or being alone are something limited to monasteries.
Greg Ferenstein outlines the 3000-year history of privacy through 46 photographs, showing how people have always done everything in the community. Only until the industrial revolution did we begin to want privacy. With the rise of social networks, we are gradually moving toward losing privacy.
Imagine how many people are sharing online with friends and the public, from photos, status lines, places, and bookmarking friends there - people who may not even be related to the pictures photo, location.
This is not limited to Facebook alone. No matter how much you share, all the data about anything you do makes up your digital resume. These draw a picture of us, where any bot or machine, or even data scientists, can get it. Along with advanced technology of face recognition and machine learning, technology companies can do more than we think.
This is extremely useful for those who need to target customers. Ask advertisers and marketers. Ask Facebook. Do you know social networks can even listen even if we don't actively share information or use mobile apps?
Facebook is quietly listening to you
With the rights that we allow social networking when installing it on the phone, we have given them the right to enter their own lives. For example, with passive listening technology, Facebook may be listening to your conversations.
In 2016, mass media professor at South Florida University Kelli Burns shared observations that the Faecbook brought content based on what she mentioned when texting. Facebook's spy on users has been denied, but this does not deny that Facebook has admitted to using the microphone on the phone when necessary. 'We only use the microphone if you grant the application permission and use the special function that requires audio'.
This implies features such as song recognition or video recording . But it does not let go of the fact that Burns saw ads related to some important keywords she mentioned.
Big Brother dictator here and his name is Facebook Picture 1
'Listen' application to your phone
They all return to the permissions you give to the application when installing. In most cases, this is about getting all eaten. You cannot choose rights, can only accept or refuse.
What can you do?
This does not mean that we let Facebook or other applications see us chatting to better serve ads. Options will include:
- Remove the application.
- Find another way to run the application or find an alternative application.
- Find apps that can block social networking applications from recording.
- Switch to more private and secure social networks.
The first solution seems extreme but for those who are really uncomfortable, this is a good solution. Facebook consumes a lot of device resources, quickly running out of battery due to the need for constant updates. Removing applications like Facebook can help increase privacy and reduce battery consumption.
- This is how to surf Facebook, battery-free messaging and 3G
The second solution has options for Facebook and Messenger, you can go to social networks using mobile web browser and switch to desktop mode.
Big Brother dictator here and his name is Facebook Picture 2
Switch to desktop mode on mobile
There are other alternative applications like Fast, Friendly or Telegram where messages are encrypted and higher security.
Big Brother dictator here and his name is Facebook Picture 3
Switch to more secure chat apps
With the third way, Android has a RYL app or Record Your Life that can help control the phone's mic in other ways. It records directly allowing you to track your daily activities (at least through sound) for up to 7 days. RYL locks the mic for use so other applications will not be able to hear.
The fourth solution is also very aggressive and may not make Facebook users happy. What to do when Facebook seems to be the king of social networking applications?
Perhaps when technology brings transparency, safety and user benefits, there will be better solutions. When blockchain technology is being used for electronic transactions, exchanges, contracts, social networking applications can also be used as a safe way to exchange information. This is what Nexus, a decentralized and secure cross-platform social network is planning to do.
By running on blockchain technology, Nexus integrates social networking, community capital calls and e-commerce. Nexus is aiming to 'eliminate the privacy breach that many large companies are doing,' said Jade Mulholland, Nexus founder.
The future of social networking
We are in an era to choose to give up privacy to take advantage of sharing with friends. The more you share, the smaller your private world becomes. But social networks have not stopped there and we do not need to send all social networking activities to a single company.
Big Brother dictator here and his name is Facebook Picture 4
Nexus is a social network that integrates many functions based on blockchain
Perhaps decentralization will be the key to securing long-term social security. Nexus has the first ICO, aiming to call capital and give users the opportunity to become part of a social network through an encrypted token. It is not known where the social network based on blockchain will come from, but it seems that the future is looking forward to the blockchain's testability, flexibility and flexibility.
You should read it
- 4 ways to increase Facebook security
- LinkedIn privacy settings
- Security guide on Pinterest
- Survey: People tend to easily lose personal data regardless of the consequences
- Israel launches the world's first cybersecurity network
- How to set up privacy mode on Instagram
- Delete personal information online
- Manage new Facebook privacy options
- Instructions for setting privacy mode for Zalo account
- The handler for hackers attacking the corporate network is the company's employees
- Keep it private on Facebook in 7 steps
- How to secure data with Jumbo: Privacy Assistant
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