Better evening workout or morning?
Do you want to exercise to improve your health and are intending to create a rigorous plan for the best workout results? However, you wonder if you should practice morning or evening? So do not ignore this article because it will provide you with very useful information to decide when to practice the best fit for you.
Note : In addition to the right time and exercises, nutrition is also a very important factor determining the outcome of the training process.
Benefits of exercise in the morning
One study showed that morning exercise is ideal for preventing high blood pressure and improving sleep.
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Along with two assistants, Kimberly Fairbrother and Ben Cartner - Appalachian State University Dr Scott Collier conducted a monitoring of the rise in blood pressure and sleeping habits of a group of people between the ages of 40 and 60. These This person is required to apply a regular exercise regime 3 times per week, about 30 minutes each time at 3 different times: 7 am, 1 pm and 7 pm.
All members who exercised in the morning (7am) showed a 10% drop in blood pressure and the decline lasted all day. In the evening, they sleep better, have a more stable sleep cycle, and experts also measure a 25% reduction in blood pressure.
According to Collier: "We were so surprised when exercising at 7am, it was beneficial in terms of reducing blood pressure and sleeping better than doing it at 7pm. Meanwhile, if practicing at 1pm. then blood pressure has increased (though not significant) and feels a bit difficult to sleep ".
Better evening workout or morning? Picture 1
"Although there is still no understanding of the physiological mechanisms that lead to these changes, however, we have enough grounds to confirm that if you want to lower your blood pressure, you need to increase the quality of sleep and collective sex at 7 am is probably the best option to maintain a scientific sleep mode. "
Therefore, if you have heart problems or high blood pressure or sleep disorders, forming a morning workout routine is the best way to improve your health. In addition to the above benefits, early morning exercise also gives you many other benefits.
Benefits of exercise after tanning
A study conducted at the University of Chicago Clinical Research Center found that those who choose to exercise after work often get better results (better training quality) than those who practice in the morning.
Better evening workout or morning? Picture 2
The study took blood samples from 40 healthy men between the ages of 20 and 30 and divided into 5 groups. 4 groups were given a high intensity exercise in the morning, afternoon or evening and the fifth group did not participate in the exercise. Thereafter, experts continued to take their blood to consider changes in the levels of two hormonal hormones cortisol and thyrotropin.
Research has shown that both of these hormones have increased to the highest levels in those taking part in the evening or late evening training and the results are similar to those required to reduce the amount of glucoze in the body.
"These results are indications that the body's metabolic processes are well adapted to a regular exercise regimen and we suggest that it is better to practice after going home from work rather than practicing in the morning. soon, " said Dr. Orfeu Buxton, the lead researcher.
Better evening workout or morning? Picture 3
According to John Trower, director of engineering at UK Atheletics, top athletes often participate in technical training competitions in the morning and afternoon from 4 to 6 hours, they will have to undergo a regime Harsher practice. However, he also stressed that this is not everyone's suitability.
"Some people who exercise in the morning feel better and others feel more energetic when exercising in the evening. It's a personal choice."
So, if your schedule is dense and you are trying to find yourself a time to practice, first, determine your goal. If you work to improve cardiovascular health and have better sleep , choose the morning. However, if the goal is to possess a strong, firm body , prevent disease due to the high content of glucoze such as diabetes , the exercise routine in the evening is ideal.
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