Android should be Samsung, not Google

Did you know that Samsung had the first chance to own the Android operating system, but it was themselves that missed that opportunity.

Did you know that Samsung had the first chance to own the Android operating system, but it was themselves that missed that opportunity.

In 2005, no phone could properly call smartphones, phone companies controlled not only applications running on phones but also ringtones, games .

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Mobile phone of 2005

At the same time, countless phones run a lot of different software versions, applications that work on Nokia phones will usually not run on Motorola or Samsung phones. Developers stay away from the phone as if they were demons. Few people feel compelled to write software for mobile phones, so they have to write their own code for dozens of different devices, usually in excess of 100 phones.

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Andy Rubin, the father of Android

However, a software engineer has a different way of thinking, it's Andy Rubin . First, he worked on an operating system designed specifically for digital cameras, but then he developed for the phone. His career began as a robot engineer in Carl Zeiss , but he later moved to work on the handheld operating system and is known for a project called Danger for phones. T-Mobile's Sidekick.

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T-Mobile's Sidekick phone

He was experienced and supported by several engineers. That's why in October 2003 he started the Android project himself. But in just about a year, at the beginning of the budget, no donor was behind this project, everything changed.

With an operating system that has been developed for a year, Rubin can sell Android just born to someone to make money. The first offering was Samsung, not Google. The Android development team flew over Seoul ( South Korea ) to meet with the leader of one of the largest phone makers of the time.

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Android should be Samsung

Surrounding them were 20 Samsung CEOs, Rubin was passionate about his idea, but instead of enthusiastically questioning developers, the only answer he received was silence. Later, a Samsung research group posed some questions and seemed to be the answer:

' Who and who created this project? Do you have 6 people? Are they talented people? 'then ' they laughed and I went out of the meeting room, this happened 2 weeks before Google bought our project , ' Rubin recalls.

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Android already belongs to Google

Indeed, in early 2005, Larry Page ( Google CEO ) agreed to buy Rubin's project after listening to Rubin speak. He not only helped with money but decided that Google must get Android. From here, the phone industry has changed.

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Rubin became an Android development engineer for Google

Google bought Android for $ 50 million and some incentives at the time, and by mid-2005, all eight of Rubin's projects were recruited by Google to the company. And the rest, as you know today. Android's development is amazing and now may be a time for Samsung to regret it.

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