Android revolution is 5 years old

The meeting between Google leaders and Verizon Wireless operator in 2009 set the first steps for the Android era.

The meeting between Google leaders and Verizon Wireless operator in 2009 set the first steps for the Android era.

Android revolution is 5 years old Picture 1Android revolution is 5 years old Picture 1
Android images in 2009

October 6, 2009 is considered a time to pave the way for the "Android revolution" when two CEOs Eric Schmidt of Google and Lowell McAdams of Verizon Wireless network held a press conference. During the press conference, Verizon announced the sale of two Android-powered devices provided by two anonymous manufacturers.

In early 2009, the Palm Pre impressed the crowd at the CES event and is expected to become Apple's top rival. However, because of poor promotion and not many interesting applications Palm must close in October 2009. At this time, there were information about the appearance of three devices called Motorola Sholes, Motorola Droid and Motorola Tao . On October 1 their images leaked.

On November 5, 2009, Verizon launched Motorola Droid and HTC Droid Eris , of course, still follow the old model but it also initiated the Androidmania movement. Droid that moment really is a big kick. Although it only lasted for two months in 2009, it was voted Time 's technology device by Time magazine.

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