7 ways to help you survive in Pubg Mobile game when there is no piece of cloth on you

No need for accessory weapons but still want to get high rankings in PUBG Mobile? It won't be difficult if you follow the instructions below.

Pubg Mobile is a survival game, which has appeared recently but has attracted a lot of players. At the beginning of the game, the player will not be provided with any accessories, must go looking for wild houses to survive. However, there will be times when you will be unlucky, run forever without getting yourself any clothes or weapons, in this situation what do you need to do to survive? In the following article, Network Administrator will show players some tips to help you survive in this situation. Try it out.

1. Hide the ring edge

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It is bad to start playing and there is nothing in the person to fight, so how to survive and become the winner when there is nothing in the person? First to escape the enemy's attack, you need to know how to escape, take advantage of the boars and hide in it, so on to other buildings to search for a few more items to relieve more in the fighting process.

2. Ignore the gunfight but still have to watch

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The hand that didn't fight the enemy at the moment you only get the result of the defeat back only, so don't be foolish at this time. Find every way to escape from the enemy's encirclement, no matter how fierce it is to fight outside, just find a place to escape to be intelligent.

In the process of hiding, do not plug the head but hide, you must always observe around to avoid being accidentally bumped. So take advantage of obstacles, follow the corners of the wall and use the eye icon to enter Free-look mode and follow up will help you know the game progress without having to show up.

3. Loot . bottle

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If you have tracked down two enemies to shoot each other, you probably know that there will be one person lying down thanks to the symbol of defeat. After a fight, there will be something left for you. That you may not need to pick anything up and still get top 1 but items like this will support you a lot.

4. Lying and hiding

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If you keep moving by running or sitting, you are no different from a wild animal that is disoriented and becomes a good prey for the enemy. Instead, wisely monitor the enemy, avoid fighting by lying and crawling on dense terrain, which will limit the enemy's vision. At that time, please wait patiently to find that there is no sign of the enemy to stand up and move.

5. Immerse yourself in nature

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If you are confident enough in real life, why don't you try to undress in the middle of the road? In PUBG, if you keep your face naked when you run, you only have a die. So, want to survive find the bushes, the green forests to hide in that hiding. Imagine yourself as the old fighting soldiers, using green trees to put on hats and backpacks to disguise to cover the enemy's eyes.

6. Is there more than that?

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If it is a hardcode and you are getting blacked out when you can't get a lot of things, use any of the guns that can be looted, even if it's too bad, don't be picky. Type: "I didn't pick up Uzi, I want M4, only a pistol, what do I do if I don't have 4x?".

If you continue like this, you will not have anything in your hands, so it would be better if you could do wonders with Uzi or Shotgun.

7. Earn a car

If in this situation you see a car, then this is 'Sleepy and shy' is your luck. Take advantage of the car and move to find things as well as avoid unnecessary dangers, and sit and huddle to be unjustly 'meat'.

See more:

  1. Tips to limit blood loss in PUBG Mobile
  2. Guide to parachuting in PUBG Mobile
  3. Instructions on how to use voice chat in PUBG Mobile game
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