7 practical ways to increase brain power before starting work

Science has proven that everyone in the world has the same brain power and strength. However, most have only used less than 15 real potentials. Therefore, practicing to improve the function of the brain is essential.

Science has proven that everyone in the world has the same brain power and strength. However, most have only used less than 15 real potentials. Therefore, practicing to improve the function of the brain is essential.

By persistently practicing something, you will definitely be smarter, deal with problems faster and also work more efficiently than before. Imagine the brain is like a muscle, once trained and used regularly, its ability to function will also grow strongly. Conversely, the brain will weaken and then someday, you will feel you are no longer as alert as it used to be!

Here are a few simple ways you can apply every day to improve your brain power, contributing to boosting productivity and quality of life. Remember to always do them before going to work every morning.

1. Read books

One of the great ways to stimulate thinking is to read - a chapter of your favorite book, an article or document.

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Improving your brain with new information will benefit your mental health, fitness and promote your nervous system to work more efficiently. In addition, you will also train your ability to stay calm and reset your day's priorities by focusing on important things instead of hugging everything.

Reading books or newspapers early in the morning will help you consider your work day through a completely different lens.

2. Exercise

Everyone knows that exercise plays a very important role in maintaining both physical and psychological well-being. In particular, applying short workout exercises before going to work is a great way to enhance brain power.

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In fact, exercise will transform the chemical process in the brain like the effects created when you use antidepressants. It will signal the process of releasing neurotransmitters, many of which play a key role in keeping the brain sharp and sharp as we age. Most importantly, exercising your body will increase the amount of blood and oxygen delivered to the brain, allowing the gray matter to function at its highest capacity. Thus, you will make better decisions, assessments and memory.

3. Meditation

Many studies show that meditation will help reduce anxiety, frustration, improve concentration, attention and whole psychological makeup. Besides, amygdala - the part of the brain that is thought to be the source of anxiety and fear - will reduce the number of brain cells considered as a result of meditation.

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At the same time, those who build this habit can recall memories, events that occurred faster than ordinary people and were able to prevent " mental noise" information. , allowing working memory to find the necessary information effectively.

4. Play classical music

Mozart and Beethoven's gentle, peaceful songs have long been judged to be very beneficial to the brain and improve productivity. This effect is called a "Mozart effect" by a famous study and encourages people to listen to classical music to improve their ability to think long term and abstract.

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In addition, listening to classical music while wearing clothes or exercising in the morning has also been shown to help improve fluency, comprehension and concentration.

5. Play intellectual games with a fast level

Continuously trying new things and unlocking new knowledge will help boost brain health and stimulate the process of creating new neural connections.

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Some games like Sudoku or memory-provoking games not only create challenges but also variations in gameplay and difficulty, are very effective in helping you "exercise" and increase your ability. resistance to damage to the brain (cognitive reserves).

From now on, take a few minutes every day to experience a logical, balanced game and you will find your brain more flexible when handling new information.

6. Create "grateful list"

It may sound unbelievable but many scientific evidence suggests that when focusing attention on things you are grateful for, the mind will also work more efficiently than before. According to some brain imaging studies or brain imaging, practicing a habit of gratitude in a deliberate way will really have a huge impact on the positive thinking process.

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To get these great benefits, every day, you just need to write down 5 things that you're grateful for and that can be anything, big or small. People who always appreciate the things they have will feel happier, more optimistic, feel more clearly about their satisfaction and will also have more motivation to achieve goals both in work and life. .

7. Sleep well

It is not uncommon to have good sleeps that will contribute greatly to the improvement of brain power. Many scientific studies show that maintaining a reasonable sleep regime increases the ability to recall information, creating direct impacts on the ability to control behaviors and cognitive processes.

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Meanwhile, sleep deprivation will lead to reduced mental capacity, ineffective work, tired body, drowsiness and this situation also causes you to gradually develop negative thoughts about life.

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