6 habits that help you develop brain power

Exercising, eating energy-rich foods, slowing down, taking notes, getting enough sleep, doing new things every day is what you need to do to improve intelligence and memory.

Do you want to be smarter? Remember more easily? More keen mind? If so, you've come to the right place! This article will provide you with 6 extremely simple tips that can even be done immediately to train your memory and boost brain activity. Of course the results will not be instant, but certainly perseverance will help you reap countless good things.

However, the first thing you need to remember to be able to turn all your efforts into reality is mindfulness (Mindfulness).Focus on the present, on what you are doing, wanting and trying to achieve . Because, this will help increase the amount of gray matter in the brain, help you think clearly and remember information faster.

1. Get enough sleep

We spend a third of our lives sleeping (at least we want it to be). When sleeping, the body goes through 3 stages called a cycle and each stage lasts for 30 minutes. Just complete a cycle, it will automatically repeat during the time we sleep.

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The first stage is called Light Sleep when we start feeling sleepy. The second stage is deep sleep. At this time, the body will release hormone HGH that helps develop and stimulate the growth of cells. If you feel pain during the day due to overwork, this is the stage that helps the body heal and regenerate the cells so that the pain ends in the morning.

The third stage, called REM, helps repair damage in the brain. This is also considered the time when we have dreams but it is also the time when brain organs conduct classification of thoughts and memory.

Therefore, try to sleep 8 hours a day and if you need a nap, take time to take a nap.

2. Eat energy-rich foods

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If you want the car to run well, you have to give it the best quality fuel. If you want your body and brain to be alert, you must eat energy-rich foods. However, do not try to cram too many things into 3 main meals, instead, divide them into 6 small meals. At one point, the brain only works best when it absorbs 25 grams of glucose, equivalent to a banana.

Think about the things you will eat and choose only the best things to eat. If you don't know, take the initiative to find out. Google is always ready to serve you. Because whatever you put into your belly affects your body in a variety of ways, if you don't know what will happen, it's best to fill in good food.

3. Take notes

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When you write something, the brain works in a completely different way than when you enter characters on the phone or type on a computer keyboard. At this time, the information will be tied to the brain and the ability to remember will be better than before.

4. Do new things every day

Get out of your comfort zone, do new things or go somewhere other than your current location. At this point, the brain will begin to adjust to adapt to new environmental conditions.

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You don't need to do something so big. Do new things by changing some of your small habits like trying a day of walking to work instead of riding a motorbike, meeting friends after a while of losing contact, texting someone, read a book or watch a movie you've forgotten .

5. Exercise

When exercising, the brain releases Endorphins to reduce stress by eliminating cortisol - a hormone that causes impaired thinking and cognitive abilities. Thus, we will feel better, love life more and more optimistic.

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Start practicing with workout exercises at home if you don't have time to go to the gym or the health center. In addition, you can also take advantage of the time by moving from the elevator to the stairs or walking around the company after a few hours of work.

6. Slow down

Slowing down doesn't mean you should be "lazy". Because putting yourself in a busy state and doing many things at the same time are two things that make your work ineffective. When focusing only on one thing at a time, it means the brain accumulates 100% of the energy it can to handle it.

In addition to increasing productivity, slowing down can also help reduce stress, reduce cortisol production in the brain, making thinking more mature and less likely to make mistakes.

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This is not easy to do if you are having too many concerns and work to compensate. However, a simpler way for you to realize it is to figure out what to do, which needs to be prioritized first, and specify the time to be completed. Certainly, with the results achieved, you will find that solving each one is much more effective and comfortable. So slow down and enjoy life.

Start these 6 habits today to optimize brain power both in work and life!

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