10 career beliefs are completely wrong

Province right before it's too late!

"It's good to learn from your mistakes but it's better to learn from the mistakes of others" - Warren Buffett.

10 years ago, I used to be a student, then became a freelancer, a freelancer, climbed to a higher position in a company, blogger and taught.

Yes, that is a career path that is very ordinary and they are not what I expected. However, life doesn't happen the way you want.

Simply, because we are human and human, everyone makes mistakes.

Recently, I received an email from a reader asking me what is the biggest mistake in my career.

This question made me think and write a lot.

And after writing more than 2,000 words about my career mistakes, I thought: "hey, buddy, you've committed all the possible mistakes".

Anyway, I have decided to dismiss all those thoughts and list the top 10 mistakes in my career. I hope one of these will help you realize something.

1. Assume that the career path is a straight line

Specifically, this is the most important lesson I have learned. First, I learned that hypotheses are always a bad thing. We all make assumptions about a lot of things but never ask questions or learn about them.

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One of those hypotheses is that the career path always takes place in a straight line. Who ever said this? When I think about it, I don't understand why I claimed it the other day.

Great type is like this:

  1. You graduated from university.
  2. You go to practice.
  3. Become an official employee for a company and work there for about 3 years.
  4. After that, try the position of manager at the grassroots level.
  5. A few years later will dance.
  6. And if you are not satisfied, you will switch to another higher paid company.


  1. You are a freelancer.
  2. You start working freely.
  3. You continue this work for many years.
  4. You don't make enough money for essential expenses.
  5. You decide to apply to work at a company.
  6. You quit your job because you can't stand it.
  7. You return to the freelancer path.
  8. And after each year, you start to improve your income a bit.


You are an entrepreneur, you start a business, grow, you think you are great, you invest more than you earn, you find a way to reach investors, you owe them money and end up together, you go bankrupt.

Again: Why do we do these things? It's easy to predict everything.Life is too short to spend time doing boring things.

Promote your "learning curve" (learning curve). Learn more, make more money. Create dance steps. And sometimes, in the process of learning, you should also step back a bit. However, that will be fine because you will earn more in the future.

In the current economy, you can "sell" a lot of things. For the first time in history, most companies (but not all) are no longer interested in age, gender, race and qualifications - they care more about the value you can bring. back to them.

So, show off yourself with great products. How? That is learning faster. Information now appears everywhere, so use them.

2. Consider money as the number one priority

I used to be like that. And if you are like me, there are 3 things that can happen:

  1. You accept to work as a salesperson for a company. In fact, you hate this job very much.
  2. You become a boss or freelance worker with a desire to earn a lot of money.
  3. You say yes to any job with a terrible salary, regardless of whether your mental health is ruined.

There is nothing wrong with doing these things but they are not sustainable. I don't stop you from making money, you should understand that.

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However, instead of focusing on money, why not focus on the things that give you more satisfaction, such as learning, experience, doing the things you care about or bringing about value for the lives of others?

Do most people follow this advice? Probably not because they can't say no to money. There is only one simple rule of money and freedom, that is to live with what you have. And yes, it's hard to do.

3. Waste of time

You can't believe how many nights and weekends I waste just watching TV, hanging out, shopping "bluff" or playing useless games.

Sure, entertainment is a good thing but this does not mean that you should rest in every spare moment you have.

Look, this is your life and this is your career. So be serious with it.

Can I ask you this? What is your skill? What are they different from others?

If you don't know the answer, it's time to go look for them. Start learning, practice, work. Do something that helps you become an expert on it.

4. Choose a job rather than an industry

10 years ago, I tried my luck in many areas, including restaurants - hotels, fashion, information technology and banks. But in the last few years, I have been wholeheartedly devoted to counseling and education!

I wish I had done this sooner. "Jumping" from one industry to another has made me very expensive. So, you have to understand the industry, the market, the unwritten rules, you must find the right thing for you.

Most people decide what they want to be (or they just "throw" themselves into a job). And they try to find a job - they don't care what industry it is as long as they are paid. Or they want to be an entrepreneur, a freelancer and they start pursuing money.

However, this is not an effective strategy in the long term because you will never become an expert on something. Instead, choose one or two industries that you find passionate about and are committed to finding opportunities there.

5. Looking for comfort

"Ah, I worked hard and now I'm fine". Think again. You have never been safe.

Life is a competition. The next person is patiently waiting for you to get into trouble and at that time, they will rush to rob you of your position.

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Is that really true? Honestly, I don't know but I like to treat it like that.

Why? Because it forces me to devote my full attention and energy to what I'm doing.

6. Don't ask for anything

Oh yes, you are a good person. We know that. But don't be too good!

Others will take your place, push you off and you end up with nothing in your hand. You don't have to be a meaner, you just need to know that the market is a battlefield.

And everything is a "marketplace": art, sports, media, work, colleagues and whatever you participate in.

If you want something, you must ask for it, demanding it. Want to raise wages? Speak up with your boss. Nobody brings it to you.

"Hey, you're such a great person. This is the money for you." Never happened!

7. Do not pursue passion

With this topic, there are two factions. One piece of advice is that you should pursue passion and the other side firmly opposes.

The funny thing is that people who say that you should pursue passion, they never pursue their passion. Do you understand? Why the hell did they encourage others to pursue their passion?

Now, I really don't like the word "passion" at all - and I don't like the whole debate either. But all I can say is:

Life is not permanent. Do you really want to spend time with things that make you bored?

8. Don't listen to others

When I received my Master's degree in Business Administration a few years ago, I thought I was a "gentleman". I don't hear more experienced people than I say. It was a huge mistake.

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The reality is completely different from the things written in the book. I didn't realize that.

Sometimes, I'm more humble and listen to people. I am also willing to silence to hear younger, less experienced people than I say. And they are, often, great ideas.

9. Want too much, too fast

Although career is not something that will proceed in a linear equation, you cannot make great leaps and bounds every day. And initially, I tried to move too fast.

Now, I am much more patient.

Before I started blogging, I practiced writing hundreds of different essays. Before starting my career as a coach / consultant, I also tried my hand in marketing and marketing.

No one will understand your path and be fine because that's how you will grow.

10. Don't ask for help

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Perhaps, you are too complacent. Maybe you think people will believe you are a fool. Perhaps, you are not honored if you do so.

But if you don't ask for help , one thing is for sure: you will never get what you want.

Almost everything in life is made up of teamwork efforts. Even if you do it yourself, you still need others. And of course, they also need you.

Self-made success stories are all false.

Whenever holding too many things, ask for help from others. Look for colleagues, partners, friends and family. They will help you and if they refuse, they are not necessarily your friends.

Finally: This is your career.

Why not take it seriously? Do not cherish it? That's what I didn't "know enough" until the last few years. I was too passive!

If you feel you are unhappy with your current job or how to move forward, CHANGE. That is the biggest advice for you.

Do it today. Do you know why? If not today, when else?

You and I both know the answer to that question.

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