3 Ways to Turn Off Voicemail on iPhone
The Voicemail feature on iPhone helps you listen to and receive messages easily when you can't receive calls, through the call content being converted to messages.
Method 1: Turn off Voicemail on iPhone via code
Open the phone app on your iPhone and then enter the number *#61# into the keypad on the app. This will tell you the code of your Voicemail mailbox on your phone. Save the number you receive.
3 Ways to Turn Off Voicemail on iPhone Picture 1
Next, click on Settings , select Phone , then click on Call Forwarding . Then activate Call Forwarding .
Click Forward To and then enter the mailbox code you looked up .
Go back to the phone app and type ##004# into the dialer. As you type, you should see a pop-up window displaying a successful deactivation message for all voicemail-related features.
3 Ways to Turn Off Voicemail on iPhone Picture 2
Method 2: Contact your voicemail provider
If the network you are using provides voicemail, we will need to contact the network to cancel this Voicemail service on iPhone.
Method 3: Use airplane mode on iPhone
We will enable airplane mode on the iPhone and then use another phone number to call your phone number. Since you have enabled airplane mode, your phone will not receive the call and will go to voicemail.
Repeat this to fill your voicemail box, this will usually take 30 to 40 attempts depending on your service provider. Once your voicemail box is full you will be notified 'Inbox Full'.
You should read it
- How to Turn off Voicemail on iPhone
- How to Turn Off Voicemail
- Top 5 best Visual Voicemail applications in 2024
- How to Check Voicemail in the US, How to listen to Voicemail again
- 5 best Visual Voicemail applications for Android
- Instructions for registering Voicemail on 3 networks in Vietnam
- Instructions to activate Live Voicemail on iOS 17
- How to Check Voicemail from Another Phone
- How to Recover Deleted Voicemail Messages on Android
- How to reset Voicemail password on Android or iPhone
- Instructions on how to turn off and turn on the power of iPhone X
- How to turn on 3G on iPhone 5 / 5S / 6?
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