15 signs that you are living too negatively

The following 15 things will drown your life if it doesn't change immediately!

We cannot live if we are immersed in negative thoughts but the reality is that the world is still full of people who have lost faith, not even a little trust in the beauty of life.

Of course, we cannot avoid the hard times, worries and despair. But if you are a positive person, you will never let them control your life. Instead, you find opportunities in difficulty, find light in the dark, find joy in sadness, find peace in the most turbulent moments.

The following 15 signs will help you identify people who are having a negative lifestyle around you and are also symptoms that will help you to know whether you are getting caught up in negative thoughts or not keeping up. Time to stop. Remember, whatever is chosen to happen, it will happen, whether you are worried or not.

1. Or worry

People who live negatively or are anxious, eat erratically, always want to be protected and always have a feeling of anxiety and lowliness.

2. Or tell me

You have met a person who often talks about his life in a boring way. They talk about having to buy a house, whether it is advisable to change jobs when the salary is too low, monthly child support, about future plans that do not have enough finance . They are people who cannot identify clear the priorities in my life? They said it simply to . tell!

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3. Likes secret

If you meet a negative person at a party, you find the conversation quite boring. They are afraid to reveal too much information about themselves. They live in fear that doing so will help them protect themselves in some respects.

4. Pessimistic

Negative people rarely envision great perspectives. They always think about mistakes and bad things.

5. Exaggerate the bad news

Negative people often like turning small things into big things. They like to put their ears on you and say " Did you hear terrible news about . yet?" then, adding some more creepy details while the actual story has nothing.

Many studies have shown that the more negative people who are exposed to violence, suicide and the tragedies in the press are more likely to fall into depression and anxiety.

6. Too sensitive

Negative people are often very sensitive to criticism. They were even more likely to confuse a compliment, a joke and a blame.

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7. Complain

Negative people often have the feeling that the whole world is against them. They are victims of harsh weather, grumpy bosses, bad luck and all other bad things.

8. "The insider"

Negative people never leave their safe areas. They are not brave enough to face a series of challenges, failures or any other fear. They never try to do new things and bind themselves in a cramped and cramped "safety zone".

9. Enjoy using the word "but"

Negative people, even if they start with a compliment or show happiness, will never lack the word "but" in their story. They switched from positive words to very fast negative attitudes, such as "It seems to be a great restaurant but I wonder why you don't set a table outside?" good "This beach is beautiful but many people are around"!

10. Self-deprecation

Failure can be caused by many factors but negativity is one of the main causes. Negative people often think that they are not smart enough, capable, devoted. But the real threat is that their emotional intelligence will gradually be paralyzed due to frequent criticism and confrontation with those who are more capable.

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11. Blurred about the future

Have you ever talked to someone who didn't have a clear plan for their future? They are negative people. Indeterminacy makes them no longer excited for their personal passions or interests.

12. They "suck" your energy

If you are with a person who is not motivated to work, constantly complaining about work, lack of enthusiasm and you feel you are inclined to be affected then be careful. You can pull them out of the "mud pool" but it's not always easy. Negative people need time and "leverage" to change.

13. Don't know how to enjoy life

Negative people seem to always feel emotionless or superficial with interesting things in life. Because, the worry and sadness have filled their minds.

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14. Obsessed with negativity

You share with them the positive aspects of future work, about a new home, about new boyfriends, but all that is received is hesitant, because they are afraid that there will always be bad things. doubt happened. They will give you a warning about the dangers, consequences or anything else negative.

15. Live in "default"

An explanation based on the neuroscience of those living negatively is related to an area in the brain called Amygdala that acts as an alarm clock, creating fearful states every time danger or bad news. Positive people can overwhelm this, while negative people increasingly make Amygdala "rich" by accumulating bad thoughts.

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