10 reasons why smartphones negatively affect your health

The habit of sticking to the phone all day if we continue to be passionate and spend too much time using smartphones, we will be negatively impacted on our own health. Here are 10 reasons why smartphones negatively affect your health, leave your phone down to relax your body!

Obviously, we cannot deny the benefits of mobile phones for life because, thanks to the phone, communication and communication become extremely convenient, just a few clicks away. Can meet the person who needs to meet immediately. In particular, the inventors have successfully designed smart phones that contain many modern features, helping users to surf the web, watch movies, listen to music, etc. However, this makes We create a habit of "plugging in" our phones all day if we continue to " be passionate " and spend too much time using smartphones , we will be negatively impacted on our own health. Here are 10 reasons why smartphones negatively affect your health, leave your phone down to relax your body!

1. Smartphone can destroy your sex life

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" Not now, darling. I'm checking Facebook! ". Do you hear this sentence familiar? According to the latest research by Durham University, " 40% of us often postpone" love "because we are busy looking at a smartphone screen. recognize that they often rush to talk or stop between love just to reply to the message ".

Dr. Mark McCormack, the head of the study, commented: " Technology products affect the bedroom more than we can imagine. At first, we thought the smartphone was convenient, But at some point, we have to pay with our relationship, it makes sex life hasty, stressful, no longer deep and passionate . " So what is the solution for us? Leave the phone in silent mode while in the bedroom.

2. The spine is affected because you have to bend too much

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" If you use your smartphone too much, your back will not only be hunched, but your neck will suffer a lot of damage, " said Dr. Kenneth Hansraj, American spinal surgeon. What is the study of Dr. Kenneth Hansraj? Although the head of the body weighs about 4.5kg to 5.4kg, our neck needs to be more loaded when bent over to use the phone. For example, when we bend down at an angle of 30 degrees, our neck needs to load up to 18kg.

" If the neck needs to continue to carry that load for a long time, the spine and neck bones may be worn, torn, degenerated and may require surgery. Because today we almost can't. get rid of the influence of technology so when using the phone try to raise your head, at the position of the spinal bone as balanced as possible ", Dr. Hansraj concluded.

3. Can "kill" friendship

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Surely many people think that vacation is a relaxing time and away from a noisy life? However, smartphones currently not only dominate in cafes but also during travel. According to a recent survey by Topdeck Travel: "One- third of us often spend more time on social networks than chatting with people on the go. Even after going home, you will continue to make My friends feel uncomfortable by the smartphone ".

According to British Airways research: " 1 in 7 people will feel extremely jealous when seeing your virtual live photos when traveling are posted on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. And 1/4 of us feel frustrated, sad and confused if the travel photos do not receive many "likes", "share" or "comments", so put your phone in a safe place in the guest If you want to show off your trip to someone, send a postcard to them . "

4. Frequently injured due to distraction when using the phone

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That's right, obviously many of us have had this situation. According to research published in Accident Analysis and Prevention magazine: " More than 1,500 Americans have to go to hospital every year, due to various injuries when using the phone while walking on the road. And, more worrisome, that number has increased steadily every year . " In fact, we often get caught in a rope or a stone on the road while sending a message to someone. This is quite dangerous, isn't it?

5. Phone may affect your eyes

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Myopia is skyrocketing in the smartphone addict community. In fact, it has increased by more than 35% since 1997, according to eye specialist researcher David Allamby, Focus Clinics founder. Did this happen randomly? No problem. According to expert Allamby: " Today, young people often spend more than 2 hours a day looking at the phone. Besides, studies also show that green light on smartphones is extremely toxic for If the eye is blue, too much impact can cause visual degradation or even blindness . "

6. Smartphone can hurt the thumb

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Occasionally, do you often have pain in your thumb? You are not the only one suffering from this. According to a study of O2 in 2013, 2 in 5 English people confessed that they sometimes feel uncomfortable on their thumbs for using too many smartphones. Many phone companies have devised exercises for thumbs to minimize that bad situation. However, it's best to let your thumb rest, don't check out the smartphone too often.

7. Using a lot of phones will lack sleep

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Using your phone before going to bed will prevent you from getting a good night's sleep. According to a recent statistic of Norway conducted on 10,000 teenagers, many of them often look at electronic screens before going to bed, which makes their sleep quality extremely bad. What is the reason? Experts say: " Artificial light from smartphones sends a false signal to the human brain, causing us to wake up and become alert instead of starting to fall asleep. So stay away. phone, computer and TV at least 1 hour, before going to bed " .

8. Using too many smartphones can make us dull

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" Using smartphones to replace the brain when remembering and reasoning information can make your brain lazy, " said researchers at the University of Waterloo in Canada. The 600 participants in the study demonstrated a significant relationship between the use of the phone and the stronger cognitive and analytical skills, on the contrary. What is the lesson here? Should use or not? Next time, you should try to remember the name of a movie you love or the way to a restaurant that used to eat, instead of relying on the help of " Google Uncle ".

9. May be the victim of "nomophobia" syndrome

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In this era, you will easily meet " smartphone addicts ", no matter where you are but when you discover the phone is dead or there is no way to charge them, it is terrible for them. . We often call it " nomophobia " syndrome . As if, without a smartphone, they would die or just a little away from the phone, they would feel uneasy, always wondering what the social network itself was updating, there was a terrible incident involved. to them that they can not solve or not?

According to a OnePoll study in 2013: " More than 50% of the study participants admitted that there were manifestations of" nomophobia "syndrome - an extremely terrible fear without a phone ". In fact, the fact that people find it so terrible without smartphones is only due to the habit of monsters. It would be fine if you just passed a few hours. So next time, forget your phone, simply throw it in the corner, open the window and stretch your shoulders to smell the scent of the grass.

10. Be more active

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Throughout the day plugging in to your phone means you will spend as little time to operate, move and exercise - unless ignoring our advice above, walking and using your phone. Although a study at Kent State University in the United States has a direct link between using too many phones and lazy to exercise. What is the solution? You just want to be healthy, not far from the phone? Download the fun workout or dance exercises on your phone and follow them.

Refer to some more articles:

  1. 15 habits of wasting time need to be removed immediately
  2. There are only 25,000 mornings in life, here are 8 ways to not waste another day
  3. 7 healthy spine protection exercises for you

Having fun!

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