It is difficult, but if you do 10 things, your life will definitely change!
Everything in this world is "wasted". Nothing is free. You want to succeed will have to exchange for sleepless nights to work. You want to be happy, you will have to go through a lot of ups and downs to recognize good things and appreciate them or you also face a series of risks, failures, losses, even bankruptcy before you can Everyone recognizes as a successful entrepreneur.
However, we must admit that through the rainy day it will be a sunny day, through sadness will be joy, through difficulties will be achievements, through failure will be a happy feeling for having lessons to life It is important that each person always maintains an optimistic attitude, strives hard and is determined to improve himself with positive habits and actions. This article will introduce you to 10 extremely important skills that if conquered them, be sure that our lives will have miraculous changes.
- Jack Ma's classic sayings will change your life
1. Time management
If you can't manage your time, you can't manage anything in life (Emilie Barnes).
Effective time management is one of the skills most appreciated by employers."For me, the hardest thing to learn is how to plan. It is not difficult to implement those plans, but it is difficult to create a list of long-term things to do and to schedule carefully. Double so that I can complete all tasks as planned "(Alina Grzegorzewska).
It is difficult, but if you do 10 things, your life will definitely change! Picture 1
Time does not wait for anyone
It will be very confusing if we wait until near the deadline to complete a certain task when everything is constantly flooded. This is an extremely bad habit that many people find it difficult to change due to the lack of tolerance and "latency". Therefore, one way to change yourself from now on is to divide time and discipline with what has been established.
Life has so many things to do and so many things we want to do. Therefore, if you know how to manage time, you will really master all you want.
- Top 10 habits to waste time to eliminate
2. Empathy
You may be the most disciplined, the smartest and even the richest person in the world but if you don't care or sympathize with people, then you are nothing more than a neurotic person (Kamia Taylor).
Understanding is very important. You must understand your relatives, partners, co-workers, friends, employees . you can create your own success and happiness. Life is a connection. You cannot just understand yourself but ignore others. Once you turn this skill into a strong point, you can master family life and surrounding relationships; from there, leverage to reach new success steps.
It is difficult, but if you do 10 things, your life will definitely change! Picture 2
Understanding is the key to sustainable connections
In modern society, empathy, understanding and sharing are also top priority. If you want more solid relationships, open your heart, care more, "give" more before you want to get something back. Even the best leaders still consider Interpersonal Skill to be one of the top soft skills that without it, they could not achieve the so-called "successful leadership". OK.
3. Master sleep
Sleep is the best meditation (Dalai Lama).
According to many studies, adhering to a certain sleep schedule will help you fall asleep and get a better quality sleep. If you are constantly suffering from sleep disorders, sleepless or insomnia, your body will be prone to downhill and inevitably unfortunate illnesses.
It is difficult, but if you do 10 things, your life will definitely change! Picture 3
Getting enough sleep and deep sleep will help you live healthier
Getting enough sleep, getting a good night's sleep and waking up with the most comfortable mood is extremely wonderful to help us start the day more excitingly. Such a full energy source, you will surely spread the inspiration to "live hard" for others as well.
- 4 things you can learn while sleeping
4. Talking positively to yourself
In the end, what others think about you doesn't matter, but what you think about yourself is. You need time to build confidence and confidence in yourself while no one trusts you (Shobhit Singhal).
According to Betsy Myers - founding director of Bentley University's Center for Women and Business, in any case, positive and positive thoughts will win everything. If you keep negative words, it only contributes to "eroding" your confidence.
It is difficult, but if you do 10 things, your life will definitely change! Picture 4
Think of yourself as your friend
You see, a joke, encouraging you to tease others, if you still keep it in the end, only you can torment yourself. So, try to message yourself with positive words or thoughts to master your own life.
5. Consistent
Energy and consistency will win everything (Benjamin Franklin).
Whether it is a big dream or just a small desire, just need to be steadfast and believe in your ability, you can absolutely achieve. However, consistency does not mean ignoring other people's suggestions, advice or sharing.
It is difficult, but if you do 10 things, your life will definitely change! Picture 5
Consistency is the key to getting what you want
Consistent is loyal to the goals and what you want to do but in comparison, careful consideration, and flexibility with changes around. Consistency means not wavering the will when there are detractors or distrust. Consistency is when you believe that what you do is right and that they are true.
6. Seek help
We cannot help everyone but anyone can help another person (Ronald Reagan)
As Louise Christy writes, "There is an employer who told me that you will not get this job if you cannot find help when you need it. Very naturally, I said that I could. Later, I discovered that the person who held that position before me had a terrible disaster because he was in a very difficult situation but did not acknowledge it and did not ask for help. "
It is difficult, but if you do 10 things, your life will definitely change! Picture 6
Don't be afraid to ask for help
According to a study by Harvard Business School, actively seeking help will make you look more capable and not worse. This means that you have validated your knowledge and expertise before others, so the ability to persuade will be much higher.
The fact is that many people are often afraid to "ask" for help. Partly because I don't want to show my weaknesses, in part because I'm afraid of getting some negative reactions from others. However, if you do not overcome this thought, you will not be able to improve yourself and develop.
7. Know when to be quiet and really do it
You can't just go around whining about unfair things to you in this world. Sometimes you just need to keep quiet (Roshna Nazir).
In many cases, keeping quiet is the best option for you."When angry, sad, worried or upset, we turn out anything in our heads" (Anwesa Jana). And then, you often regret it.
It is difficult, but if you do 10 things, your life will definitely change! Picture 7
Be more quiet
In fact, this is one of the most difficult to learn skills. However, if you know how to control yourself when uncomfortable, you will conquer the trust and respect from many people. Silence is sometimes more important than what is said.
8. Listen
Listen to understand, not listen only to answer (Stephen Covey).
Don't just be quiet, listen.
Nicole Lipkin, author of What Keeps Leaders Up At Night, shared in an interview with Business Insider magazine: "At work Most of us are overwhelmed by so many things to do, such as messages that need to answer immediately and phone calls, I mean, our brains can only tolerate such a large amount of information. when it exploded ".
It is difficult, but if you do 10 things, your life will definitely change! Picture 8
Listen as much as possible
A trick to actively listen is to repeat what you have heard for the person opposite. As Lipkin said, " Everything will become easier when everyone has the same opinion."
Not only you but also those around you will be very upset if a whole discussion of all the members is fighting to be told. Seeing that situation was like a "mess". Saying too much and no idea being heard in full will make the meeting "wasteful". Therefore, the best way is to hear more when others are presenting to give the most convincing or negative opinion.
9. Focus on your work
It takes a lot of time to learn and master it (Aarushi Ruddra).
Paying attention to other people's work is not useful, even a waste of time and resources."You do not have the right to say your words, even if you are the last upright person there."
It is difficult, but if you do 10 things, your life will definitely change! Picture 9
Focus on your life
Are you confident you are the one who takes 100% of your mind when working or still wandering somewhere to search for sensational information from colleagues who like to "gossip"? It is true that if you concentrate highly within a certain period of time, surely your productivity and quality of work will be greatly increased, even, far beyond expectations.
10. Master your thoughts
Your mind is everything. What you think is what you become (Buddha) .
According to Mark Givert, to do what you want to do and get what you want to achieve, you need to be alert to lead your thoughts."The difficulty is that we are the result of our own experiences in the past and all of our thoughts are from the past. However, the past is not synonymous with the future."
It is difficult, but if you do 10 things, your life will definitely change! Picture 10
Master your own thoughts
Take control of yourself at all times, everywhere, even in action and thinking. Do not let any negative experience make you back in the past or live in the "obsession" of failures that should have become expensive lessons to help you move on. The person who mastered his thoughts will surely be different.
10 things are difficult but because it is difficult, we have to try. If it's easy, there's no such thing as skill. If you say they are hard to achieve, remember: Nothing in the world is free!
You should read it
- Survey of 200 self-made millionaires shows that they all have 6 positive attitudes
- 11 skills are extremely difficult to learn but extremely helpful in the successful path
- 10 skills are not the most important but if they are, you will benefit from life
- 26 things you need to master to be able to 'survive' in modern life
- 50 soft skills needed to be happy and successful for life (Part 1)
- Happiness comes from small joys every day
- 6 months for 8 skills and life you will change!
- This is the difference between a positive and a negative person
- 15 signs that you are living too negatively
- 10 helpful tips to help you think positively and live more optimistically
- 50 soft skills needed to be happy and successful for life (Part 2)
- 6 habits of extremely miserable people
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