10 life lessons you are not taught at school

Here are 10 lessons that you are not taught at school but are definitely very important things that everyone should know to have a beautiful and complete life.

"Education is what remains after you've forgotten what is taught at school" - Albert Einstein.
"Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school" - Albert Einstein.

The school is said to be a place that will help children grow up to be smart and aware by providing the tools they need to have a beautiful and complete life. But, in fact, the way schools around the world teach children far from the real lessons needed to have such a life. Here are 10 lessons that you are not taught at school but are definitely very important things that everyone should know.

Knowledge is not synonymous with understanding

One of the worst things we are taught at school is: knowing something means we understand them. That's why most of us do not learn how to develop the ability to think deeply and use reasoning based on our own experiences and understanding of everything. Instead, we learn to believe what is passed down by his father without stopping to ask if they are really true, preventing us from learning and becoming informed individuals. more intelligent or not.

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Labels don't make you feel important

From a very young age, children were deceived to believe that having a college degree will make them feel valued and proud of themselves, regardless of whether they suffer from restraint. star. But the truth is that degrees are not enough to make us feel valuable because they don't bring about what we really want - things that are as powerful as a bright job. creating, meaningful relationships and peace in the soul . Labels can bring satisfaction to a personal ego in a short time but in the long run it will make us feel empty and precarious.

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Failure can also be a good thing

When I was in school, most of us were afraid of failure. Students are taught that failure is not good and everyone should be afraid of failure, that we should by all means avoid failure in life as if it is a very bad thing. But it is because of mistakes and failures that teach us what is right, what is wrong, fear of making mistakes will prevent us from reaching new things and preventing each person's personal growth.

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Not doing anything does not mean wasting time

When a child does not want to do anything but wants to relax, think or play, parents and teachers often say that it is time-consuming. That makes children aware from a very young age that respite is meaningless and fleeting, and that it is always busy to bring meaning and purpose to life.It is this thinking that makes them constantly stressed, often leading to mental and emotional fatigue as well as all mental illness states . Taking time to relax and do nothing can help us enjoy the present moment, recharge our energy and reconsider our way of life, focusing on what's important in life.

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Boredom is a health manifestation

In modern society, we think that boredom is a bad thing and bored people often have nothing to do in life. However, the truth is boredom is just a symptom of restraint. When we were students, most of us were forced to go to class and in a very natural way, we felt bored and lazy. That's because we don't have joy from there. But when we play or do some creative work that allows us to express our thoughts and feelings, we feel energized and become more animated. Therefore, boredom is just a manifestation of health, telling us that we are still a person with the desire to pursue our own passions .

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Working can be a fun experience

At school, children are taught to sacrifice time and effort, restless their lives year after year to chase after baths that promise to bring about work and a good life. So they always equate work with restraint and sacrifice. One of the important lessons that children are not taught at school is that work is really great if you work with love.Working can be a happy experience if you do it with both your mind and your heart . However, when it comes to doing things as it must, it will become a real "enslavement".

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Competition is not beneficial

Ever since entering school, children have been taught that competition and emulation are good, making them study better. Schools incorporate their belief that competition brings progress, both at the individual and the collective level. However, research shows that when children cooperate, they can learn more easily when competing. In addition, the study also found that colleagues who work to help each other will become more creative . That is, when it comes to creativity, the belief that competition and competition bring benefits is really just a myth. In fact, competition and mental wars that we still see around us contribute to hindering human development, increasing stress and violence - things that are very common in the present world. great - every day.

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The exams do not measure intelligence

At school, children's knowledge is assessed by exams. Students who score high on exams are valued by friends and teachers, otherwise they will be disregarded. This gives a false idea that exams are a measure of intelligence. The fact that current exams in many schools around the world as we know them today do not measure intelligence.School tests are nothing more than memory tests . To pass the exam, they only need to memorize and chew the information - also what they will soon forget after graduation.

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Money can not buy happiness

The reason many children are sent to school is the belief that at some point in the future, they can make a lot of money and enjoy a happy life. Therefore, children believe that money should be the ultimate goal in life and that it will be something that brings happiness and success. And although it is true that according to the economic system, money can really help us buy food and housing, but it is never enough to buy happiness. According to the study, happiness is mainly derived from good relationships with people and most have nothing to do with money, once the basic requirements of life have been met.

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Not complying is also a good thing

Each person is unique, without exception. But from a very young age, we have been taught to follow society, act according to the rules and follow the path that others intend. This can be seen clearly at the school, where children must comply with school rules and accept and believe what is taught at school. All the great people who have appeared in this world have chosen not to adhere but always have doubts about beliefs and doubts about those who create laws and think for themselves. Not complying is not an easy thing to do but it is the only way to live a true life.

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"A child who is only taught at school is an uneducated child" - George Santayana.
"A child educated only at school is an uneducated child" - George Santayana.

Author: Sofo Archon

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