13 great integration for Slack application you should not ignore

The following article will introduce you to 15 useful integrations for the Slack application that you should use. Let's find out soon!

One of the main reasons many people have become fans of Slack is because the development related to the integration for Slack is happening very exciting. Basically, the integration for Slack application is where another web service is connected to Slack. Think of it as a Chrome plugin or Firefox extension. The only drawback is that free accounts are limited to a maximum of 10 integrations.

Slack helps reduce user dependence on email. Using Slack, you can track customers and colleagues, while not being bothered by other emails, which can distract you for hours.

The following article will introduce you to 15 useful integrations for the Slack application that you should use. Let's find out soon!

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13 great integration for Slack application you should not ignore

  1. 1. Digg.com
  2. 2. Movie Night (addressit.co/movies)
  3. 3. Imdbbot.martijnoud.nl
  4. 4. Urban-slack.herokuapp.com
  5. 5. Dbot.demisto.com
  6. 6. Your.MD
  7. 7. PlayPlay.io
  8. 8. FastVoted.com
  9. 9. Gdrive2slack.optionfactory.net
  10. 10. Clubble.io
  11. 11. Slacker.nathanhoad.net
  12. 12. Slack.gohealthhero.com
  13. 13. Catfacts.jazzychad.net

1. Digg.com

Let's start with one of the most famous websites on the Internet. One of the projects Slack is currently working on is Slack Bot (Diggbot).

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After installing Diggbot, you can send Digg stories directly to your Slack channel. See the latest vogue stories, get Dugg links sent to you, search for content by keyword and more.

2. Movie Night (addressit.co/movies)

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After a tiring day at the office, you should relax by watching a movie. But which movies to choose now? And how do you know if your choice is correct? Movie Night will give you a quick summary of each movie, along with its release date and ratings. You can freely choose among many movies available here.

  1. 12 high quality movie watching software for Android phones


3. Imdbbot.martijnoud.nl

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The world favorite movie site now has its own Slackbot. Search on the IMDb database to see details about movies, like how you use Movie Night, get information about release dates, showtimes, actors and ratings of new movies.

4. Urban-slack.herokuapp.com

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Are you trying to keep up with the way young people talk and abbreviations? If you receive an SMS from a young person and you can't understand it, it's time to start using the Urban Dictionary. Enter the phrase you want to look up, it will tell you the definition, along with any other related phrases.

5. Dbot.demisto.com

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With all the links around Slack as it is today, many people have thought of a virus scanner and malware. And the DBot will meet that need. When a link is pasted into Slack, or files are uploaded, the DBot checks every virus and malware, as well as warns you in Slack if there are any problems.

  1. 10 most effective antivirus software for Windows

6. Your.MD

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Sometimes it's really hard to see a doctor, if you have an embarrassing problem. So really handy if talking to Dr Slackbot instead. It does not judge you in any way and you can freely speak out your problem. You can also stop searching Google for issues like 'I have a headache' and then get the result that a website says you have cancer. The results of Your.MD are checked by the UK National Health Service, so you can be assured that the information provided is reliable.

Your.MD is a smart bot that understands English communication. It can talk to you and find the root of the problem you are having.

7. PlayPlay.io

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If you have a Slack group of many people, it would be great if everyone occasionally relaxes. The best way to do that is to play games, and PlayPlay will give you games in the form of Ping Pong, pool, chess and Tic Tac Toe.

8. FastVoted.com

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Like HNSlack, FastVoted gives you the 'prevailing posts' in your Slack channel, sourced from Product Hunt, Hacker News, Twitter and Reddit. There are no more than 15 messages sent every day, so you don't have to worry about having a bunch of spam hitting your channel.

9. Gdrive2slack.optionfactory.net

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If you have multiple users on your Google Drive account (such as a company's Drive account), tracking all changes that users make can be very difficult and time consuming. You can use this integration to track where, creators and editing content. Every time you have an edit in your Drive account, you'll be notified in your Slack channel.

10. Clubble.io

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Slack quickly became one of the most popular tools. But some people still insist on using email. So what do you do when you need to put them in a discussion on Slack, but they refuse to sign up for Slack? In that situation use Clubble.

Clubble acts as a bridge between the Slack and the email inbox. People can be invited to join Slack discussions via their email addresses and email senders will receive all replies in their inbox. They can also reply via their inbox. In Slack, answers appear as normal Slack answers.

11. Slacker.nathanhoad.net

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Slacker is for all the jokers in the team who make the atmosphere fun with their humor. Using this, they can use a collection of 20 characters on Slack and post funny replies under their names and photos. If there are no interesting characters for you, you can add your own characters.

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12. Slack.gohealthhero.com

Health Hero integrates with various third-party fitness equipment and services, allowing you to challenge your team with fitness-related challenges. Supported devices include Apple Health, Apple Watch, Fitbit, Jawbone, Google Fit, Misfit, MapMyFitness, Garmin, MyFitnessPal and Runkeeper.

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Invite others to join the group and check everyone's position on the transcript. But more importantly, encourage the remaining members to leave their seats and exercise! Even if they just run around their computers.

13. Catfacts.jazzychad.net

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If you are a cat lover, then you will love Cat Facts. When you use this integration, it will send you a random "reality" about cats. Things will bring you closer to your cat, because you will understand them more.

Do you feel interesting with the above 15 integrations for Slack? Let us know your opinion in the comment section below!

See more:

  1. Slackware's package utilities
  2. These Slack shortcuts will save your life
  3. Microsoft Teams - the competing chat application with Slack has a free version
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