What can you expect from HTC in 2014?

In the past year, except for the success of HTC One, Taiwanese smartphone manufacturer has encountered a lot of difficulties. Currently, the business situation of the company is also facing many big risks, stagnant revenue.

In the past year, except for the success of HTC One, Taiwanese smartphone manufacturer has encountered a lot of difficulties. Currently, the business situation of the company is also facing many big risks, stagnant revenue.

To improve the current situation, what major changes does HTC need in the coming year? What can users expect from them?

A successful smartphone successor of the HTC One:

What can you expect from HTC in 2014? Picture 1What can you expect from HTC in 2014? Picture 1
Smartphone inherits the success of the HTC One

Few of HTC's products have inherited from the successes of previous products. The smartphone failures after the HTC One have proved that, both HTC One mini and HTC One Max are not really impressive to users.

In the next year, HTC needs to present a smartphone that continues the brand of HTC One such as HTC One 2 or HTC Two for example. This contributes to user expectations for its devices similar to Samsung's Galaxy S line or Apple's iPhone.

BoomSound Development:

What can you expect from HTC in 2014? Picture 2What can you expect from HTC in 2014? Picture 2
BoomSound Development further

BoomSound is a successful and impressive technology from HTC, the obvious thing they need to do is continue to develop it. Although there is no longer a partnership with Beats , HTC can fully develop its own technology.

Taiwanese manufacturer can design bigger, stronger, more impressive speakers. Speakers on smartphones are also expected to be the trend in 2014.

UltraPixels have a higher resolution:

What can you expect from HTC in 2014? Picture 3What can you expect from HTC in 2014? Picture 3
UltraPixels need higher resolution

The HTC One's camera is quite frustrating for users because the image quality is too bad for a super product. Objectively speaking, the image quality from a camera with only 4 Mp resolution is quite good but users need more than that.

What UltraPixels does is enough for users to expect a better camera on HTC's next super product. Maybe an 8Mp or 13 Mp UltraPixels camera will be released next year.


What can you expect from HTC in 2014? Picture 4What can you expect from HTC in 2014? Picture 4
Invade the tablet market

HTC's machining quality is highly appreciated by many experts. However, except for the HTC Flyer, which has been around for a long time, they still don't produce any more tablets to compete with other manufacturers in this fertile market.

Users still look forward to a really powerful tablet from HTC. With its experience, Taiwanese mobile phone company can do this.

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