5 technology forecasts in 2018
In the very near future there will be machines that act like people, doctors can radicalize cancer by using your DNA and the password will die, according to IBM experts.
The 5 in 5 report presents forward technology trends this year, focusing on the development of computers, phones and other smart devices. IBM also predicts that ' everything will learn ' from the data we put online, which websites we go to, where we go and how we act - and this information will be used for everything. just for advertising.
The report is limited to five categories and forecast that each will happen in 2018. For example, in the next five years, 'security will become faster. 'Instead of having passwords for different devices, addresses and services, all those apps will talk to each other about a 360-degree view of an individual's data and activity. That means those devices will know who it is, and that person never has to identify themselves. That ' digital guardian ' will be trained to focus on one person and learn their behavior so that he or she can recognize any unusual or suspicious activity; makes stealing ' identity ' a thing of the past.
5 technology forecasts in 2018 Picture 1
Shutl's delivery system website is committed to delivering only a few hours.
IBM believes that the classroom of the future will be able to learn about each student based on their training to help them master the skills they need to meet their personal goals. This is done by a system of advanced computers that study data about students stored in the cloud and can immediately identify learning disorders, such as dyslexia, for example. Immediately release students who are at risk of failure, or even feel rotten, and will suggest measures to help these students solve their problems.
One of the surprising forecasts of IBM 5 in 5 is that spot sales will recover and beat online shopping. Retailers can combine digital products and services with real stores. This means that shoppers can make real or virtual contact and try clothes before ordering and be delivered in minutes. Services including Shutl turned the one-hour delivery capability into reality, and IBM expects that to become more popular.
In the medical field, advances in DNA research will help doctors understand a tumor, for example, which will affect only one patient. Then intelligent analysis can offer drugs or treatments that attack the specific type of cancer in that particular patient in the most effective way, while reducing the time it takes to find the right treatment. with a patient from weeks and months to days and minutes.
The final forecast is about smarter cities.IBM believes that in the next five years, governments can understand, billions of events happen within a city in real time. Computers will learn to understand what people need, what they like, what they do, and how they move from one place to another and use this information to develop roads, for example, or improve schools. learn.
' We now know more than any generation at any time. However, we fight to keep up with this increasingly complex flow of information, effectively exploiting the meaning that is inherent in the enormous amount of data we have achieved at a faster rate than ever before. , 'Dailymail quoted Dr. Dario Gil, director of the IBM Cognitive Experience lab. ' By creating technology designed just to learn and enhance our awareness, we open up a new era of progress for both individuals and society'.
IBM believes that these changes will be made by 'a new computing era' that leads to breakthroughs that amplify human ability, help us make good choices, find for us and help us. Navigate our world with powerful new methods.
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