CyanogenMod rolled 10 million downloads

According to information from GsmArena technology site, CyanogenMod has just rolled 10 million downloads. CyanogenMod is a solution for smartphones to upgrade the operating system when the machine is no longer supported by the manufacturer.

According to information from GsmArena technology site, CyanogenMod has just rolled 10 million downloads. CyanogenMod is a solution for smartphones to upgrade the operating system when the machine is no longer supported by the manufacturer.

After reaching an agreement with Oppo ( China ) on the launch of the N1 CyanogenMod smartphone version, this group also received good news when the customized CyanogenMod ROMs also reached the milestone of 10 million downloads.

All statistics are calculated on the Cyanogen website . The number of users downloading the official ROM Cyanogen ( linked from Cyanogen's main website ) is about 5.6 million. Meanwhile, the number of downloads of ROM Cyanogen through other sources is nearly 4.5 million. The most downloaded version is CyanogenMod 10.1 and 10.2 nightly. At the top of the download list is Samsung's smartphone trio of Galaxy S, S2 and S3.

CyanogenMod rolled 10 million downloads Picture 1CyanogenMod rolled 10 million downloads Picture 1

Cyanogen had a quite successful 2013. Let's wait and see the great progress that this technology group can make in 2014.

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