Vietnam is going to have Lotus social network, revolving around content, giving tokens to users

Recently, VCCorp has officially announced the investment in developing Lotus social network.

Recently, VCCorp has officially announced the investment in developing Lotus social network.

VCCorp has researched and developed Lotus social network project from more than a year ago, with the contribution of domestic enterprises and individuals.

The social network Lotus takes the content as the focus, with the main purpose of creating a platform to support content producers and individuals to create creativity to create more quality content to serve people. use.

Vietnam is going to have Lotus social network, revolving around content, giving tokens to users Picture 1Vietnam is going to have Lotus social network, revolving around content, giving tokens to users Picture 1

Users joining social network Lotus will get new experiences, participate in many challenges, tasks, receive gifts, receive tokens when using and spending tokens in useful ways and spreading good values. pretty.

Lotus social network is designed by a team of user experience experts that promises to bring users the best experience. Social network development is a team of more than 200 technology engineers from VCCorp in the fields of mobile applications, AI, Big Data, Cloud Computing .

Vietnam is going to have Lotus social network, revolving around content, giving tokens to users Picture 2Vietnam is going to have Lotus social network, revolving around content, giving tokens to users Picture 2

Highlights of Lotus social network.

"Get rich on Lotus" with Token : This is a new rating unit for each reactivity received from posts. Anything you do like posting status, dropping like, comedy walk will get a token. The more reliable and quality content, the better the chance to receive more tokens. Token will be the key to help bring true economic value to users based on content.

Privileges for all users : Lotus will take users as the focus. Users will be manually set up, mastering the way of posting lively and novel (alternating images, text and video) according to their purpose to create an impression.

Users can personalize and arrange personal pages according to their preferences rather than restricting the fixed pattern of the application.

Authentic sources, open network creation : Property, identity as well as the authentic content of all Lotus users will be protected against fake news still raging in many places without a solution decided.

Vietnam is going to have Lotus social network, revolving around content, giving tokens to users Picture 3Vietnam is going to have Lotus social network, revolving around content, giving tokens to users Picture 3

Currently, the project has mobilized over VND 700 billion from VCCorp and a number of domestic investors. In the first phase, the project will continue to call for another 500 billion VND to be ready to force for long-term development.

As expected, the Lotus content social network will officially launch beta on September 16.

The official website of Lotus social network is

Building social media for Vietnamese people in the current context is a challenging journey, before Lotus had many social networks such as Biztime, VietnamTa, Hahalolo . and most recently Gapo but not yet received support of Vietnamese users.

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