Content censorship is the most dangerous job Facebook and this is the reason
Facebook's content censor is responsible for filtering the worst things that users post on this social network every day, from controversial statements, violent images to murder, children. sex. Their work environment is very bad, dirty and always afraid of being chased. This makes them suffer from post-traumatic psychosis.
Since 2016, Facebook employs more than 30,000 people doing security-related jobs, about half of which are content moderators and most of them are hired by third-party contractors to provide translation. service.
Content censorship is the most dangerous job Facebook and this is the reason Picture 1
In 2017, Facebook began a series of content censorship offices in many US cities including Phoenix, Austin and Tampa, in the hope of using indigenous people to be able to improve the accuracy of decisions. censorship.
As revealed by a staff member, Facebook has signed a two-year contract worth about $ 200 million with Cognizant to carry out this work. Content moderators in North America are only allowed to take a break of 2 times 15 minutes, a 30-minute lunch break and 9 minutes to 'restore health'. The salary they receive is about 28,800 USD per year.
Content censorship is the most dangerous job Facebook and this is the reason Picture 2
In the process of working, content censors constantly have to deal with violent or pedophile content. After a period of time, many people have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.
Many employees working at the Phoenix facility said that the images and videos they saw during their work haunted them every day. In addition, the working conditions here are also very bad, bed bugs appear everywhere in the office.
The staff at many other facilities also said they had to go through the same thing. Even working conditions in Florida facilities are worse with dirty workplaces, often with hair and waste from the body. More frightening is that they are always in a state of fear that can be fired at any time. There was once an employee who had died in the process of working but the management of this establishment did not disclose to the staff about the incident, and asked managers not to discuss the problem. .
Content censorship is the most dangerous job Facebook and this is the reason Picture 3
The senior managers at Facebook claim that the above reflections do not accurately reflect the working conditions of most employees.
With the censorship of full-time violence, employees will be paid $ 15 for Cognizant per hour. When recruiting, the company posted on recruitment sites with the content of a 'media analyst' for a 'big social media company', not just mentioning Facebook. . Therefore, the applicants also do not know they will work for Facebook. The company also promises candidates that there will be many opportunities for advancement in work, bonuses according to job performance and balance in life. However, 'all are false', an employee here said.
Content censorship is the most dangerous job Facebook and this is the reason Picture 4
Where the employees are called Cognizant 'production floor' by Cognizant. Staff here regularly receive email from managers complaining about their behavior at the office.
The environment at the Tampa office is not much different from a high school, according to The Verge. There is only one bathroom here and it is always dirty and damaged.
Content censorship is the most dangerous job Facebook and this is the reason Picture 5
In Tampa, there are 5 shifts a day, the tables and chairs will be shared by staff, so it's very dirty with nose, nail and hair everywhere. Only when a Facebook representative visits the facility according to a predetermined plan will they be cleaned.
Cognizant employees have 5 vacation hours for each pay period. If you take a lot off, the staff will be fired. Therefore, the employees who were out of work time still had to work even though they were sick, even those who vomited out the trash at the office. Whenever using the toilet, employees must also report and be reminded if they go too many times. Many people collapsed on the table and cried.
Content censorship is the most dangerous job Facebook and this is the reason Picture 6
The staff must approve from 100-200 posts per day. They face horrible, haunting postings like a person throwing a puppy into the river, burning firecrackers in his mouth or another cropping the genitals of a living mouse. This makes them often insomnia.
The lack of constant sleep combined with pressure from managers with more censorship requirements has depressed many Facebook content censors.
Content censorship is the most dangerous job Facebook and this is the reason Picture 7
The office at Cognizant has a tradition that every employee is afraid of, which is a periodic dismissal of a certain number of employees in the 'red bag day'. On this day, fired employees will receive red bags to collect personal belongings and leave the company without receiving any explanation.
When asked by The Verge about changing expectations from Facebook, an employee replied, " I think Facebook needs to be closed ."
In fact, many technology companies such as Facebook, Google, YouTube, and Twitter . now all sign contracts to hire service providers like Accoji, Genpact and Cognizant to do their jobs. After that, these contractors will search for and train seasonal staff to perform the assigned work. After the contract ends, employees will be fired. Thanks to this system, technology giants have saved billions of dollars.
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