Especially Viper is very strong buff in this version 1.02, expected to be a very hot general in Valorant when the ranking mode is open.
The hot shooter Valorant has released an extremely important update, when adding a ranking mode, allowing early surrender, editing of champions as well as changing some details in the game mode.
Changes to champions
Skill E - Toxic Screen can now be placed through walls and dragged along its entire length, note that you must place E on the wall to be able to pull through.
Valorant rolled out the update 1.02: More ranked matches and surrendered early Picture 1
C - Snake Bite now gains a new Vulnerable debuff, causing all targets on it to double the damage taken, noting that Snake Bite still pulls the same blood loss but will be weaker to compensate This super bad debuff again. Vulnerable only works on poisonous areas, not when the target is outside.
This whole pot of buff will surely make Viper a hot item in Valorant, pulling the blood is already very uncomfortable and now doubling the damage received is too much terrorist. There will be no more scenes 3, 4 in the rush rush inside. Just Viper flatten a toxic spot, then there is that no one dares to move forward, ensuring spoiled for more highlighting phase of Viper weighing 3 or 4 something.
Valorant rolled out the update 1.02: More ranked matches and surrendered early Picture 2
Jett and Reyna's abilities will now have a charge if killing Phoenix's shadow in Run It Back's ultimate. Jett will have the last cooldown and Reyna will pick up the gem, this change is mainly to balance the game because Phoenix has 2 lives, the other side must also be rewarded 2 times for a reasonable.
Changes on guns
Bucky (900 gold shotgun) - Note this is changed when shot with the right mouse
- Change accuracy rate when sitting and walking slowly from 3.45> 4.1
- Change walking accuracy rate from 6.4 >> 4.4
- Change ratio of accuracy when running from 3.5 >> 6.4
Valorant rolled out the update 1.02: More ranked matches and surrendered early Picture 3
Bucky is a useless gun that no one wants to use, because judging from the shotgun team, Judge is much better so Valorant's development team decided to buff it up a bit. But I still do not appreciate because Bucky is a shotgun and shotgun is not used in long-range combat, but close to the missed shot, you should delete the game.
Reduces movement speed when hit
Now when you are hit by an enemy, you will move 70% slower in an instant (previously 80%).
Similarly when hit by a bullet but through the wall, the movement speed is reduced by 25% (formerly 35%).
Increase the time to reach the maximum landmark to avoid being shot players can not move. This change is to give newbie more time to react, to avoid the case of going out of surprise and finishing dead straight without being able to shoot back.
Valorant rolled out the update 1.02: More ranked matches and surrendered early Picture 4
In addition, it helps those who are hiding where the advantage, when they can get in or out of the wall faster, no longer encountering the scene where the head peeks out and it shoots stupid people. Another reason is that Valorant is currently having a lot of lag in the eyes, whoever has a high ping will be a bit less suffering but probably not very important.
Add rating mode
Ranking mode will be added in this version 1.02, but temporarily it has not appeared yet because Riot Games still have to fix some minor errors. The rank icon has been changed and the highest rank has been renamed to Radiant instead of Valorant.
Valorant rolled out the update 1.02: More ranked matches and surrendered early Picture 5
Allow surrender soon
Now your mouth-watering matches will not diminish tomorrow, as Valorant will finally have the ability to surrender soon. Can only surrender in traditional shooting mode touches 13, does not apply to Spike Rush. Players can type '/ ff', '/ forfeit', '/ concede' or '/ surrender' to surrender.
All existing players must vote yes or no to accept.
Valorant rolled out the update 1.02: More ranked matches and surrendered early Picture 6
Each party can only vote once until changing sides. You cannot surrender before the 8th round. After the surrender signal is approved, the winning team will receive points based on the number of remaining wins to reach 13 and similarly the losing team will be deducted points based on the number defeat.
This is to encourage fighting not to give up or at least try to play to the end, because there are games that have lost 1-10 but after changing sides, the odds are over. Add features 'lock the muzzle' opponents in the game, mute all chat from the confusion.
Change jewels in Spike Rush
- New jewel Tracer Orb
Buffs for the team to pick up can shoot through walls twice as strong, plus when hit by an enemy bullet will be revealed for 0.75 seconds.
- Speed Boost changed to Combat Stim
Movement speed and time constant.
Increases the reload speed by 30%, gun exchange rate by 30%, fire and jump rate by 30% higher than 25%.
- Plague Orb does not appear in the same game as Paranoia Orb
Only one of the two gems will appear each round.
Health decreased by Plague Orb from 90 to 50.

- Deception Orb does not appear in the same game as Plague Orb
Only one of the two gems will appear each round.
Sticky duration reduced from 10 seconds to 8 seconds
Vision increased by 20%
Those are the most important changes in Valorant's 1.02 update, the rest are mostly bug fixes as well as changing the position of options in the menu. Only the ranking mode still has to wait a bit longer before going into official operation, so gamers have much to do.