Detention and metaphorical details throughout the game - Part 1

Although launched in 2017, until now Detention still possesses many metaphorical details that if you are not really interested in understanding you will be hard to understand.

Although launched in 2017, until now Detention still possesses many metaphorical details that if you are not really interested in understanding you will be hard to understand.

If you've played this game for too long, please review a bit with the basic information like Detention is a horror gameProduced by Red Candle. The game is set in Thuy Hoa High School during the martial law period (White Terror) for political reasons, lasting for about 40 years in Taiwan. At the time of the events in the game in the 1960s, at the beginning of the game we were acquainted with a male student named Wei Trong Dinh. However, very quickly Wei will die and people are indignant to realize that this is just a character for the mysterious story that will gradually be solved during the game. Of course, when Wei Trong Dinh left the stage, people need another character to continue the story, which is Phuong Nhue Han. She doesn't remember anything about her past and the player needs to find out who Phuong Nhue Han, who is Wei Trong Dinh and what the hell is going on with Thuy Hoa High School.

Detention and metaphorical details throughout the game - Part 1 Picture 1Detention and metaphorical details throughout the game - Part 1 Picture 1
Plot Detention - P1: Love and Hate
Detention is one of the horror games of the developer Red Candle Games, with the Asian context extremely close to Vietnamese gamers.

It is a classic story where the main character falls somewhere unknown, the task of the gamer is to find the entire memory through many discrete clues that are hidden throughout the game screen. To increase the challenge, the path to finding memories is hindered by all kinds of souls around the party. In general, Detention's gameplay is a bit familiar to those who have ever experienced The Coma 2 series, but there are still distinct features that are easy to identify with the ability to bring horror and gloomy atmosphere. more scared. Let us now explore some clues in Phuong Nhue Han's memory quest to see if they have any hidden meanings or are just nothing more than pieces of paper.

1 / The old photo was found under a daffodil flower: There is a picture of a man in an unknown suit with the quote 'The roots below the earth claim no rewards for making the branches fruitful' of Dai poet Rabindranath Tagore. Later we learned that the man in the picture is the teacher Truong Minh Huy, whom Phuong Nhue Han loves. And the quote that never once requires a reward for the fruitfulness can be a metaphor for the unconditional love the little girl has for her teacher.

Detention and metaphorical details throughout the game - Part 1 Picture 2Detention and metaphorical details throughout the game - Part 1 Picture 2

2 / The white marble pendant pendant : A different image representing Mr. Truong Minh Huy with pure and noble implications. Wei Zhongying once said at the beginning that someone had apparently thrown it into a ventilation duct. The fact that 'someone' is Phuong Nhue Han, she angrily threw away the pendant given by Mr. Truong because she misunderstood that he was a gambler who wanted to abandon her. That is also the reason why Phuong always tries to get back the pendant at the beginning of every cycle of reincarnation at Thuy Hoa school. Also at the ventilation pipe, Nhue Han will startle because of a mouse. This is a metaphor of her image in the eyes of other students after making a secret report to Superintendent Bach and is commended in front of the whole school.

Detention and metaphorical details throughout the game - Part 1 Picture 3Detention and metaphorical details throughout the game - Part 1 Picture 3

3 / The bridge is broken and the bloody river is bloody : In Asian culture, souls filled with resentment or important matters unresolved in mortality will not be able to reincarnate. . Associated with this dictionary are nouns such as Vong Xuyen river, Nai Ha bridge and Belgian flower. Because the length of the article "I'm not going to try to explain more about those things, you can find out more on Google" but the image of Rui Yin standing in front of a broken bridge and the blood-red river metaphores her as a spirit. The soul has so much resentment that she cannot leave the Thuy Hoa school area to reincarnate.

Detention and metaphorical details throughout the game - Part 1 Picture 4Detention and metaphorical details throughout the game - Part 1 Picture 4

4 / A picture drawn by a child about a hammock : A hammock or a hammock in Buddhism is a demonic demon that specializes in harming people. Detention describes hammocks that look like hungry ghosts and they are always attracted to rice bowls. Phương Nhân Hân can use this feature to overcome these ghosts without disturbing them. Another interesting point is that the image of the hammock has the same features as Nhue Han, leading to the hypothesis that this is the remains of the female student when she is 'dead' and she wipes her memory when she is real. Now the loop does not recognize that it was once part of itself.

Detention and metaphorical details throughout the game - Part 1 Picture 5Detention and metaphorical details throughout the game - Part 1 Picture 5

5 / The old lady appears at the beginning of the game screen when Nhue Han 'dies' : This is a metaphorical image of Manh Ba, the creator of Manh Ba soup in the Underworld to help the spirits forget all previous lives. before reincarnating. According to Chinese mythology, after humans die, their souls will have to go through a road called Huangquan Highway. At the end of the road there is the Vong Xuyen river. Across the water is the Nai Ha bridge, when the soul goes all the way to Vong Huong Dai. The souls being reincarnated into human lives must go through this place, then drink a bowl of soup of an old woman named Manh Ba to forget her previous life.

Detention and metaphorical details throughout the game - Part 1 Picture 6Detention and metaphorical details throughout the game - Part 1 Picture 6

6 / Nhue Han is opposite to teacher An Thuy Ham but the mirror reflects a mang: Because she was working in a secret operation, Ms. An asked Mr. Truong to sever his relationship with Nhue Han for fear of affecting the children. Nhue Han said that the teacher abandoned himself because of An's teacher's influence and decided to take revenge by handing over a piece of paper with the names of members of the forbidden reading club to the supervisor Bach. In her heart she comforted herself that 'It was just a piece of harmless paper' as well as the way her mother accused her husband of corruption to avenge his mistress outside. Nhue Han did not expect things to be so serious or maybe she did not know that Mr. Truong Minh Huy himself was a member of the club. The next scene of Rui Xin falling down to cover her ears proves that she did not dare to face the mistake she made and thought that it was still the fault of teacher An Thuy Ham.

Detention and metaphorical details throughout the game - Part 1 Picture 7Detention and metaphorical details throughout the game - Part 1 Picture 7

7 / Asking for yin and yang: asking for yin and yang, or asking for Yin and Yang. One can take a piece of bamboo about 10 cm long, about 3 - 5cm in diameter, split in half. When asking for the radio, hold two pieces of bamboo smashing into each other and bounce. Let the two bamboo rods fall to the ground and see the result. When this positive surface is the outside of the bamboo, negative side is the inside of the bamboo. The results will fall into 3 cases:

  1. 2-sided sound - meaning the spirit is angry (disagree)
  2. The two positive sides are the laughing gods (unknown results)
  3. A yin and yang means that the god agrees

Currently, some ethnic minorities performing rituals of worship still practice this way. In the South, due to the influence of the temple culture of the Chinese, yin yang is two semicircular pieces of wood, a flat surface and a protruding surface to bounce up. A piece of wood can fall to the ground, fall onto a plate, or fall to a plate. Conventional convex surface is positive, flat surface is negative and depending on the face of the wooden piece, the petitioner can explain the ideas of the gods. Currently most of us use the coin mostly. The current coin we use is the Qianlong Coin that announces to the Qing Dynasty, which is a period of Chinese prosperity and development. At that time, the wealthy and prosperous people, so the coin symbol of that period expressed the people's wishes and desires of good things. On the coin is engraved with the words Qàn Long Thông saying it's the positive side,while the face without words is the negative side.

Detention and metaphorical details throughout the game - Part 1 Picture 8Detention and metaphorical details throughout the game - Part 1 Picture 8

This is an article in the series on Metaphorical Implications in Detention
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