Unlock iPhone with heart rate in the future?

Apple has applied for a patent related to using each user's unique heart rate to unlock the device, according to AppleInsider. It seems that Apple is preparing for a new step in the field of biometric identification.

Unlock iPhone with heart rate in the future? Picture 1Unlock iPhone with heart rate in the future? Picture 1

In the report, Apple's new patent describes the integration of sensors into the iPhone that can detect the user's heart activity. This will allow the owner of the device to be identified simply by holding the device in your hand or wearing an Apple Watch.

Apple has rolled out FaceID and Touch ID technology on iOS devices, and Mac users can now unlock their devices by simply double-clicking the Apple Watch's side button when prompted. confirm. These features automatically log in, eliminating the need for users to enter a password.

New patent suggests turning iPhone into heart rate monitor. This technology uses an electrocardiogram (ECG), a type of electrical signal from the heart, to determine a user's identity. Each person has a unique ECG pattern, similar to a fingerprint, and forging or copying an ECG pattern is almost impossible, helping to minimize the risk of compromise.

Integrating electrocardiogram measurement also helps users monitor their cardiovascular health more continuously and accurately. In addition, this new feature can also determine the user's mood by analyzing Electrocardiogram (ECG) data.

This new patent is a testament that Apple is constantly striving to bring new technologies and breakthrough experiences to users.

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