Scientists officially found the cause of obsessive-compulsive disorder

Finally, the main cause of obsessive-compulsive disorder is also exposed by international scientists.

Finally, the main cause of obsessive-compulsive disorder is also exposed by international scientists.

Previously, obsessive-compulsive disorder is a psychological disorder of chronic nature, the common sign of the disease is the obsessive thought, worry without good reason and the conduct of acts There is a compulsive nature to reduce stress, which is a form of disease that is directly related to stress. The disease also has another name, obsessive-compulsive disorder .

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Scientists officially found the cause of obsessive-compulsive disorder Picture 1Scientists officially found the cause of obsessive-compulsive disorder Picture 1

Recently, a group of researchers from Julius-Maximillians-Universitat University in Germany have announced that they have identified the absence of a target protein that can cause obsessive-compulsive disorder. Processing (OCD).

About 2% of the world population experiences OCD symptoms at least once in their lives.

The newly discovered target protein called SPRED2 is found in high concentrations in the cortical, muscular and amygdala regions in the central brain region and it functions to control the impulse pathways that transmit important signals in brain cells include two Kinaza Ras / ERK-MAP sequences. However, the disappearance of this protein causes the brain system to quickly become disordered and lead to obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Kal Schuh, a professor at JMU Institute of Physiology, said: ' The absence of this SPRED2 protein may cause excessive negative mental complications on mice. Previously, there have been many studies to find the culprit causing obsessive-compulsive disorder but not clear enough until the discovery today . "

Scientists officially found the cause of obsessive-compulsive disorder Picture 2Scientists officially found the cause of obsessive-compulsive disorder Picture 2

Dr Melanie Ullrich, a biologist at JMU, said: " This protein plays an important role in controlling the operation of signaling pathways for the brain, controlling and reacting flexibly with tyrosine receptors. So, the disappearance of SPRED2 protein can cause the signaling to be stagnant, disordered and long-term leading to overcrowding, disease " .

In addition, the researchers say they are working on the possibility of using some type of inhibitor to reduce the neurological disorder caused by the SPRED2 protein on mice. This will improve temporarily more or less for obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Schuh said: " Our research brings a new model, a new, specific solution to control and treat obsessive-compulsive disorder."

The researchers also said that this finding also shows us the relationship between obsessive-compulsive disorder and two Kinaza Ras / ERK-MAP neurotransmitters.

This research has just been published in Psychiatry Magazine.

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