To know if your body is healthy, rely on the following signs

Only when you know how your body is healthy can you recognize when you are sick.

Most of us only observe if our body has a strange phenomenon so we can see it in time. This is a very good and necessary thing for our health. In addition, you should also pay attention to the body, there are also signs that tell you your body is healthy.

Many of us are often thinking, healthy, without much concern. However, this is a completely wrong concept. Only when you know how to show your body is healthy can you detect abnormalities easily. Therefore, remember, healthy people are people who have unexpected signs like below.

1. Connect good relationships

To know if your body is healthy, rely on the following signs Picture 1To know if your body is healthy, rely on the following signs Picture 1

According to some studies, when the human body is healthy, the connection and interaction between friend relationships is often very good. The most benefit from this is mental health. But studies also show that beneficiaries include physical health as well.

In fact, people who are able to link good relationships often have better health than those who often live in isolation, separate from people. This shows that social relationships really affect our physical, mental and behavioral health.

According to health experts, social connections "help to reduce the severity of stress, which can negatively affect coronary arteries, intestinal function, ability to regulate insulin and the immune system. Another line of research shows that caring behaviors help release stress-relieving hormones, and scientists also identify a series of actions that meet standards that are considered social support, such as asking for help or words. There is one more point to emphasize: the effects that reinforce the lives of social support extend to both givers and recipients ". Therefore, having friends is great for you.

2. Diets include lots of fruits, vegetables and healthy fats

To know if your body is healthy, rely on the following signs Picture 2To know if your body is healthy, rely on the following signs Picture 2

There are many different tips for healthy eating, but there is one view that everyone agrees about: the importance of fruits, vegetables and healthy fats.

Eating fruits regularly has many benefits for the body such as lowering blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke, preventing certain forms of cancer, lowering the risk of eye disease and digestion and positive effects. to blood sugar.

Almost all fruits and vegetables contain lots of nutrients and good health, so it doesn't matter what kind of food you need to eat, eat a variety of fruits every day with as many fruits and Green vegetables as possible.

3. You have normal and vital signs

To know if your body is healthy, rely on the following signs Picture 3To know if your body is healthy, rely on the following signs Picture 3

If you are a regular maintainer of your daily exercise routine, then you are definitely in a very healthy body. According to the BBC, basic bodybuilding guidelines include "moderate 30 minutes of exercise, maintained at least 5 times a week". Doctors also observe that a person with "average fitness level" can do things like "walk 1 mile within 15 minutes", bring 2 supermarket bags to a car and go up a floor stairs without shortness of breath.

Besides, the vital signs are also expressed by healthy, normal manifestations such as "blood pressure below 140/90 mmHg per measurement, pulse pulse about 70 times / minute and respiratory frequency about 16-20 breathing / minute ".

4. You pay attention to your emotional health and mental health

To know if your body is healthy, rely on the following signs Picture 4To know if your body is healthy, rely on the following signs Picture 4

You are proactive in managing your health and emotions and psychology. This is a sign of how good your health is. According to US health experts, "Physical and mental health are extremely closely linked. Evidence shows that mental health disorders - mostly depression - are closely related. setting with risk, ability to develop, manage, progress and result of some serious chronic diseases, including diabetes, hypertension, stroke, heart disease and cancer ".

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