14 body signs show that you are not really as healthy as you think
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Most of us also spend a lot of time looking at ourselves in front of a mirror. Whether you're wearing makeup, applying lotions, squeezing acne or just looking at yourself in the mirror, at least we take hours every week ( or maybe even every day ) to see ourselves in the mirror.
However, did we do it the right way?
In fact, there are many signs on the body that we can observe when we look at ourselves in the mirror. In particular, there are many dangerous signs and symptoms that we should know.
14 body signs show that you are not really as healthy as you think Picture 1 Laura Caseley for LittleThings
Although we all know these signs indicate that we are not healthy enough - like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, . - there are other " hidden " signs that we are not feeling well. strong.
From cold feet, dry and rough skin to heavy eyebrows , you may never know that these symptoms are a sign of something related to health.
Keep reading the information below to find 14 " revealed" signs that your body is not healthy. Without any health concerns, most of us think that we are relatively healthy. So, when looking in the mirror is usually to edit makeup or stare at your hairstyle.
However, it is clear that we should spend more time paying attention to the eyes, eyebrow length and the amount of white hair - that may be a sign that your body is not as healthy as you think . You may be accidentally ignoring or disregarding the signs your body is trying to tell you.
Let's TipsMake.com points through 14 body signs that you are not really as healthy as I think below!
1. Silver hair before age 40
14 body signs show that you are not really as healthy as you think Picture 2 Laura Caseley for LittleThings
Most people often think that silver hair is nothing to worry about and that is just a natural manifestation of aging. However, pay attention to this test because early gray hair is also a sign of anemia, thyroid disorder or lack of vitamin B12 .
2. Wrinkled earlobes
14 body signs show that you are not really as healthy as you think Picture 3 Laura Caseley for LittleThings
Just like silver hair, wrinkled earlobes are an expression of old age disease. However, if you are still young and discover wrinkles, lines, folds that make your earlobes not as smooth as usual, be wary of the risk of cardiovascular disease. Because wrinkles on the earlobes can be caused by poor blood circulation.
3. Eyelids collapse
14 body signs show that you are not really as healthy as you think Picture 4 Laura Caseley for LittleThings
Sometimes, the drooping eyelids look attractive, but they are actually signs of aging. Although most of us have eyelids collapsed, according to New Zealand's Eye Institute, it explains that apart from age, eyelid collapse warns neurological, injury or follow-up problems. Exposed too much to the sun.
Eyelid collapse obstructs your vision - if this happens to you, you may consider going to lift your eyelids to ensure your vision.
See also: 8 worrying signs that you need to rest immediately
4. Swollen neck
14 body signs show that you are not really as healthy as you think Picture 5 Laura Caseley for LittleThings
When you sleep incorrectly or your pillow is too high, you may have neck swelling or neck pain. However, if this condition is abnormally prolonged, it may be a sign of thyroid disease.
Thyroid problems affect a lot of things, from stress, heart rate, even body temperature, so don't ignore this sign.
5. Appear the stripe on the nail
14 body signs show that you are not really as healthy as you think Picture 6 Laura Caseley for LittleThings
England's National Health Service explains that nails can also tell us a lot about health - pay attention if they change color or shape.
According to the UK National Health Service ( NHS ), if the nail has a cross-section throughout, your body may be lacking in nutrients or illness. If your fingernails are shaped like a spoon and bent outwards, you may be suffering from anemia.
6. Drop eyebrows
14 body signs show that you are not really as healthy as you think Picture 7 Laura Caseley for LittleThings
As we age, eyebrows become shorter and less dense. However, if you discover that your eyebrows are falling from the eyes, it may be a thyroid problem. When the thyroid gland is poor, hormones and metabolism will be affected. With different thyroid diseases, you will have different treatments. So, quickly go to the doctor to know how to treat it soon.
See also: A simple way to have a home health checkup in just 1 minute
7. Eyes turn a cloudy yellow color
14 body signs show that you are not really as healthy as you think Picture 8 Laura Caseley for LittleThings
When your body is tired or sleepless, your eyes may turn translucent yellow. But if you are completely healthy and still see that your eyes are not as bright as normal, check to see if you have jaundice. This disease is not merely a yellow skin, but the eye conjunctiva also has yellowing due to many reasons, possibly due to liver disease causing the amount of bile pigments in the blood to increase.
8. Skin darkening
14 body signs show that you are not really as healthy as you think Picture 9 Laura Caseley for LittleThings
If your skin becomes dark even without sunbathing, you may want to see a doctor. Because you may have a rare disease called Addison ( primary adrenal insufficiency ), making you feel pain, fatigue and weakness.
Addison's disease is a form of disorder that occurs when the adrenal glands operate inefficiently and produce insufficient amounts of hormones. Two small adrenal glands located on top of the kidney usually produce cortisol and aldosterone. When suffering from Addison's disease, the adrenal glands produce very little cortisol and aldosterone. Without these hormones, the body's salt and water will be excreted through the urine, which will cause the blood pressure to drop very low. However, this disease is now completely curable.
9. rough, rough skin
14 body signs show that you are not really as healthy as you think Picture 10 Laura Caseley for LittleThings
Crude, rough spots that suddenly appear on the skin may be Keratose - Seborrheic dermatitis . This disease can be caused by ultraviolet rays in the sun which can progress to skin cancer. The disease is quite common in older people, people with light skin and in long-term sun exposure.
The seborrheic horn usually appears as a pale, black or pale growth on the face, chest, shoulders and back. Sometimes, it appears alone, but growth is much more common. Seborrheic keratoses are usually painless and require no treatment.
10. Cracked lips
14 body signs show that you are not really as healthy as you think Picture 11 Laura Caseley for LittleThings
Chapped dry lips can be caused by dry weather in winter. But if your lips have a lot of cracks in the corner of your mouth, that's a symptom of zinc deficiency and vitamin B, it may also be because your body has absorbed too much vitamin A.
See also: 7 daily habits can ruin your health
11. Red face
14 body signs show that you are not really as healthy as you think Picture 12 Laura Caseley for LittleThings
Women between 30 and 55 years of age often experience rosacea symptoms ( also known as blushing ) - which cause redness in the face and often produce red marks, even red bumps or pustules. Some causes can be stress, eating spicy hot spicy foods, or being exposed to the sun for too long. Therefore, if symptoms of Rosacea, pay attention to reduce these pathogens.
Signs and symptoms of Rosacea can flare up over a period of weeks to months and then gradually decrease. Rosacea can be mistaken for acne, allergies or other skin problems. Without early treatment, rosacea tends to increase over time. See your doctor to know how to use antibiotics for prescription treatment.
12. Finger wears long rings
14 body signs show that you are not really as healthy as you think Picture 13 Laura Caseley for LittleThings
Ring fingers longer than forefinger can be a sign of high testosterone exposure right from the womb.
According to Discover magazine, high levels of testosterone can affect you in many ways - making you gain weight quickly, may also make you more susceptible to knee arthritis.
13. Chicken skin
14 body signs show that you are not really as healthy as you think Picture 14 Laura Caseley for LittleThings
Prone skin like chicken skin is often very popular. Many people with this condition are so serious that there are large bumps on the back, arms and thighs. On WebMD explained that Keratin helps protect the skin from infections and other harmful agents, but when it is produced, it will clog the sebaceous glands and accumulate under the pores causing skin sores. Although they are painless and itchy, they affect their aesthetics and may cause redness on the skin for a long time.
14. Cold feet
14 body signs show that you are not really as healthy as you think Picture 15 Laura Caseley for LittleThings
If your feet are always cold even in the summer, it may be a sign of vascular disease. Also, if you have cold legs and arms, you may have Raynaud's disease and weaken the immune system .
If your limbs are constantly in a state of shivering plus some symptoms such as hair loss, forgetfulness, memory decline . You may have thyroid-related diseases such as hypothyroidism.
- Cold limbs, cold toes, sometimes numbness like a pin prick is a sign that the body is missing vitamin B.
- Cold feet even in hot weather are signs of anemia.
- If your feet are cold and your toes are white, it is a sign of blood clots or phlebitis.
- In addition, cold feet are also signs of recognizing some diseases such as gastrointestinal inflammation, low blood pressure, allergies .
In short, unable to underestimate health, when the body shows these signs, go to the doctor to get the most accurate diagnosis, and share these important health tips with your family and friends. your friends.
Having fun!
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