Odor on your body helps you to know your health

Here are some of the body odor emitted to warn your health, be aware early to prevent them soon.

Odor from individual body parts is made up of many compounds and varies depending on age, gender, diet, sexual activity, metabolism. When you experience some health problems, your body will also give off strange smells as a warning signal to you.

Here are some of the body odor emitted to warn your health, be aware early to prevent them soon.

Fruity breath is a symptom of diabetes

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Many people feel proud and excited about it, because they think that fruity smell is aromatic and has no effect. In fact, that's not the case, when fruity breaths a warning that your body may be diabetic, because when the body can't produce insulin, the cells won't get the sugar they need to make energy. The body will compensate for that deficiency by burning fat. The process of burning fat will produce ketones, which will build up gradually in your blood and urine. High ketone concentrations often cause bad breath.

Fungal infections cause the foot to smell bad

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If foot odor comes with symptoms of toes such as blistering, dry skin and lots of red spots, then you are most likely suffering from foot fungus. These fungi invade the stratum corneum on the skin surface by secreting keratinase enzymes capable of digesting horns. In addition, they contain substances capable of inhibiting the body's immune response and reducing the reproduction of keratinocytes, causing chronic infections.

If you are not careful and touch the area of ​​the fungus on other areas of the body, then the fungus can spread and cause those areas to become infected.

The worst case is that you may have cellulitis, which is a localized or diffuse inflammation caused by acute, subacute or chronic bacterial infection of the skin.

Odor is a symptom of lactose intolerance

Sometimes the odor from the body is also a warning sign that your body cannot tolerate enough lactose to absorb it. When the body does not produce enough enzyme lactase, it cannot digest lactose in milk and other foods. This can cause fecal stools, along with extremely foul flatulence and flatulence.

The smell of urine

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Normal urine smells slightly, but if you suddenly detect a strong odor of urine or dark urine, you may have a urinary tract infection (UTIs). This disease occurs after the bacteria, most commonly E.coli enter the urethra and urinary tract, then multiply both the bladder and cause an infection.

And, just like with your sweat or breath, if urine has a fruity odor, check your blood sugar as this may be a sign of diabetes.

Bad breath is an expression of sleep apnea

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If your breath smells bad even when you brush your teeth, you may have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can lead to breathing through your mouth during the night. This can make your mouth dry, which is the cause of bad breath.

Bad air smells bad

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Usually when women have gynecological problems, women often have symptoms such as: bad gas, bad smell smell, fishy smell, bad gas is yellow, brown, or milky white . copper The time associated with some symptoms such as vaginal irritation, vulva.

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