This young man plays Fortnite and earns $ 500,000 a year

E-sports is an industry that is flourishing and earning a lot of money.

E-sports is an industry that is flourishing and earning a lot of money.Nick Overton is just a 27-year-old normal bar guy from Iowa, but behind that humble smile is a professional Fornite player with the name Immarksman.He currently plays professionally for Counter Logic Gaming, earning between $ 300,000 and $ 500,000 a year but still does not consider himself a good player.

A typical Nick day begins around 9 am, discusses work with the group and embarks on working on YouTube videos.He ended around 3pm, then streamed the game from 5pm to 10pm.

Playing games for hours on a daily basis for many people can be simple or fun, but when this is a job and you have to analyze each game, the workweek will not be relaxed at all."I never go out with friends," Nick said, "I stream every day."

This young man plays Fortnite and earns $ 500,000 a year Picture 1This young man plays Fortnite and earns $ 500,000 a year Picture 1
Nick Overton, professional Fornite player

If Fornite has a new update, the date will be longer.He had to get up from 3 am, work, shoot a new video about the new update."It helps increase the name of my channel," he said.

Nick first had a gaming machine, Nintendo 64, when he was 6 years old."At that time, it was probably his greatest regret," Nick said when he mentioned that his father gave him the game console.One day, when he got home from school, he found out that his father had sold the Xbox to stop him from addicted to the game."I'm crazy and angry with Dad".Then he did not play games for 2 years.

When he was 14, he got a job and bought himself an Xbox.When he was out, he didn't think he would make money from playing games."I just did it because I liked it."

This young man plays Fortnite and earns $ 500,000 a year Picture 2This young man plays Fortnite and earns $ 500,000 a year Picture 2
Electronic sports are increasingly developing, helping players earn real money

Recently he shared how to maintain income with Des Moines Register and Yahoo Finance."Most people work, receive money. It's very simple. But for YouTube and livestream it's much more complicated."Many YouTube gamers partner with Multi-Channel Network (MCN) to act as representatives and let them know what to do.

According to Nick, MCN will say "We have 10,000 content creators who make a lot of views every month," YouTube said, "We will find ads for them."They take the percentage from advertising, divide it by the whole network and pay you according to the contract. "

With Twitch it's a bit different."On Twitch, a lot of revenue is generated through your video viewers. People will spend $ 2, $ 3 or something to sign up, similar to old magazines. Twitch takes an average of $ 5 a month for registration. The video creator will be divided in percentage. Twitch also takes a percentage, in return, they get some other benefits from the video stream or from the stream ".

Getting paid to play the game was crazy enough, but Nick said the most strange thing was when people recognized him in public."They told me to take pictures with or get autographs. It's a bit strange that most people don't think gamers will appear in a certain store. Will they say" Is he a celebrity? ", No, I only play games ".

See more:

  1. By the next generation, the cloud game will replace the game console
  2. How to stream games on Twitch with OBS
  3. Instructions on how to play live games on Android phones on YouTube channel
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