14-year-old player Fortnite Griffin Spikoski.
Spikoski's "work" started when he downloaded a video with the content of beating a famous Fortnite player to YouTube about 9 months ago. After that, this video attracted 7.5 million views. Since then, people began to register to watch his channel, advertisers also appeared, and of course the cash flow began to flow.
Currently, the YouTube channel of this young gamer has more than 1 million registered users. He was also invited to act as ad representative for Samsung, PGA and Miami Heat.
His father said they always reminded him that it was a priority between playing games and studying at school.
To support his son, Spikoski's parents established a company for him named Skeptic Gaming with the management support of a financial advisor and an accountant.
Spikoski said he would save money to pay for college tuition, buy a house or a car in the future when the streamer career was not as successful as expected.
He said, playing games is like any other sport. Parents should help their children if they like to play games, have passion and are really good.