Things to know during pregnancy

Pregnancy not only changes your body, but affects every aspect of your life.

Pregnancy affects women in different ways. It not only transforms your body, but affects every aspect of your life. Here's what you need to know during pregnancy.


Change in bra size

Things to know during pregnancy Picture 1Things to know during pregnancy Picture 1 Changes in bra size during pregnancy

An increase in breast size is one of the first signs of pregnancy. Breasts often swell and enlarge during the first trimester due to an increase in the levels of the hormones Estrogen and Progesterone. This first-trimester growth won't stop, your breasts will continue to grow throughout your pregnancy.

Besides your bust size, your bra size is also affected by the increase in rib cage. When you're pregnant, your lungs get bigger so you can take in more oxygen for yourself and your baby, resulting in a larger bust measurement. You may have to change bra sizes several times during your pregnancy.


Inability to concentrate

Things to know during pregnancy Picture 2Things to know during pregnancy Picture 2 Inability to concentrate during pregnancy

During the first trimester of pregnancy, fatigue and morning sickness can be exhausting and stressful for a woman. But even healthy pregnant women still lose the ability to concentrate and are very forgetful. Preoccupation with the baby and hormonal changes are part of the cause.

To you, everything including work, bills, doctor's appointments, seems less important than the baby and the due date is coming. You can overcome this forgetfulness by making a to-do list.


Mood swings

Things to know during pregnancy Picture 3Things to know during pregnancy Picture 3 Mood swings during pregnancy

Premenstrual symptoms and pregnancy symptoms are also very similar. Your breasts swell and hurt more easily, your hormones fluctuate, and you feel melancholy. If you experience this symptom during your period, you are also likely to experience mood swings that are even worse than during pregnancy. The change in mood will make you laugh now and then cry. Today, you can easily get angry with your partner, the next day you are ready to quarrel with colleagues.

Emotional fluctuations are very common during pregnancy, although they occur more frequently in the first trimester and the last month of the third trimester.

About 10% of pregnant women experience depression during pregnancy. If you have symptoms such as sleep disturbances, changes in eating habits, or extreme mood swings that last for more than 2 weeks, you should talk to your doctor.


Nesting instincts

Things to know during pregnancy Picture 4Things to know during pregnancy Picture 4 Nesting instinct during pregnancy

Many pregnant women suddenly have an urge to remodel the house to prepare for the arrival of the baby. Or they want to tackle things that they don't have time to do, like fixing the kitchen or closing the closet.

As your confinement day approaches, you'll find yourself cleaning the kitchen cabinets, cleaning the house - things you never imagined doing while pregnant. This desire to clean the house will help because after the baby is born, you will have more time to rest and take care of the baby, but be careful not to overwork.

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