Things to know before becoming pregnant

Health, nutrition, psychology, financial issues ... will be issues that couples should consider if they intend to become pregnant.

Pregnancy is a sacred and noble thing for women. In order to give birth to a child and a well-developed child, at the beginning of the pregnancy, couples need to prepare in all aspects from material to spiritual, especially nutrition. However, not all couples can prepare well at this early stage. So the following article will help you equip yourself with useful information, things to know before you get pregnant.

1. Prepare good health

This is an important job for all couples if they intend to become pregnant, the health check will help couples to detect abnormalities in the body like genetic diseases. , sexually transmitted diseases, currently used drugs, family history of genetic diseases or chromosomal disorders (down syndrome .), hemophilia, sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis , heart disease, neural tube defects . to promptly remedy in time. Besides, the health of the couple before pregnancy also greatly affects the development of the fetus later.

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For women : The best time to visit is after menstrual period is 3-7 days, during this time absolutely not to have sex. If you go to the doctor, you should go in the morning and take care when you go to the examination, you should not eat breakfast, because during the examination there will be tests that are required, doing so will result in more standard examination.

Experts also recommend that during pregnancy, the body's immune system will perform poorer than usual. So the risk of infection will increase. That's why vaccination is the best way to protect your sister from the dangers for both mother and fetus.

Preparing a healthy body, controlling weight because moderate weight will make conception easier, not overweight.

Should check the teeth, if not done in the past 6 months. And spend about 30 minutes exercising daily.

For men : Just like women should not eat or drink before going to the examination and do not have sex before 3 days of examination.

2. Nutrition regime

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With husband

  1. A husband is a person who directly helps his wife to become pregnant, so her husband's diet also needs to supplement the nutrients and safety to keep her body and sperm healthy. Foods that are rich in folic acid, zinc, vitamin C, cereals, green vegetables, seafood, eggs and fresh fruits should be boosted.
  2. Do not wear clothes that are too tight, work in hot environments, soak in hot water for too long, use stimulants such as alcohol, especially smoking too much, eat oily and drink plenty of water Sweetened sweet . these are factors that directly affect sperm quality and quantity.

With the wife

  1. Increased consumption of foods rich in folic acid, protein, iron, zinc, calcium and B vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin D.
  2. In addition to nutritional supplements, mothers should take folic acid supplements with tablets of 400 mcg daily 1-3 months before they want to have a baby. For iron, mothers should also drink from the moment they have not entered pregnancy. Meat will be a practical source to help mothers absorb iron more efficiently.
  3. If you choose fish to supplement nutrition, you should choose small fish to ensure safety because in large fish such as tuna, mackerel, swordfish . more or less contain mercury can be harmful to the brain as well as the physical development of the fetus.
  4. Unpasteurized fermentation products such as sour spring rolls, cheese, raw fish, bare eggs, undercooked meat . should be restricted to the mother's daily diet because it can lead to fetal infection, miscarriage, stillbirth.
  5. Eat cooked, boil and preserve food safely to ensure a healthy digestive system.
  6. During the golden period, to fertilize eggs to make the nest safe, mothers should avoid foods that can increase the activity of uterine contractions leading to miscarriage such as: apple cat, vegetable, and vegetables, longan .

3. Working mode

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  1. For both husband and wife if the working environment is exposed to hazardous substances such as chemicals, pesticides, radioactive substances . it is recommended to change jobs or take measures to minimize risks from the lips. otherwise the chemicals will directly affect the quality of the fetus.
  2. If the work is stressful, facing many constant pressure, you should have a specific job assignment plan for yourself if you want to have children. These will greatly benefit the quality of the father's sperm as well as the mother's conception.
  3. Living environments such as detergents, solvents, lead in drinking water . also significantly affect the fetus so this should be done by your husband or maid.

4. Prepare psychological and financial well

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  1. Having children means that we need to have a lifelong responsibility for children. Most young couples experience conflicts in their families when they have children, because they are not prepared to be ready to have children.
  2. When a new member becomes available, the economic burden will inevitably make the couple more unstable. So before you get pregnant, you should consider how the couple's current financial situation is to make the best decision.
  3. The husband needs to learn the wife's psychology during pregnancy so that he can help his wife, take care and encourage his wife in time. Ideally, the husband should attend a prenatal, newborn care course.
  4. For a wife, she must be sympathetic and understand the mentality of her husband when his wife becomes pregnant to know how to behave in general and in particular. Thus, the harmony of both brings the best for children.

5. Care for mother and fetus during pregnancy

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During pregnancy, regular and regular health checks are essential to timely detect abnormal symptoms and monitor and treat properly.

Pregnancy is calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period until the time of delivery is about 40 weeks. First exam after 2-3 weeks late. 2nd examination at 11-13 weeks of pregnancy 6 days. In the middle 3 months, you should do it once a month. In the last 3 months, 2-3 weeks of examination once. For the last month, should be checked once a week.

When pregnant, need to arrange working time, scientific and reasonable activities. The pregnant mother should not try to work too hard and have to sleep 8 hours a day. Avoid aggravating animals, moving long distances or strong bumps. In addition to continuing to maintain adequate nutrition, attention should be paid to clothing, high heels should not be worn, wearing tight clothes, squash . but should wear comfortable clothes, materials Good sweat absorbent. Especially avoid contact with tobacco smoke, pesticides, pesticides .

You should go to the hospital immediately to check for abnormal signs such as:

  1. Lower abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding or abnormal bleeding.
  2. Face swelling, legs, arms or blurred vision or headaches.
  3. Fever.
  4. There is fainting or convulsions.
  5. Fatigue and vomiting too much.
  6. Pain during urination, excessive urination and blood in the urine.
  7. No pregnancy was seen after the 4th month, or fetal movement weakened.
  8. Blue skin, tired, palpitations, difficulty breathing .
  9. Out of vaginal water without labor.
  10. By the date of delivery, but not yet labor.
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