The worst 100 Password ranking in 2018

From more than 5 million Password issued by hackers during the year, SplashData site has filtered and released the worst Password ranking in 2017.

Below is a list of the top 100 worst passwords for 2018 published by SplashData based on the data they compiled from more than 5 million passwords leaked in the past year.

As in previous years, passwords located at the top positions in the list are still '123456' and 'password'.

SlashData also recommends that users should comply with the safe password setting to prevent possible risks:

  1. Password includes 12 characters or more.
  2. Combining many types of characters: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and special characters.
  3. Do not share passwords for different services.

The worst 100 Password ranking in 2018 Picture 1The worst 100 Password ranking in 2018 Picture 1

Check out the list of the 100 worst passwords for 2018.

100: biteme

99: 1992

98: London

97: soccer

96: william

95: querty

94: liverpool

93: pussy

92: admin123

91: whatever

90: dallas

89: hockey

88: test

87: zaq1zaq1

86: 1q2w3e

85: aaaa

84: killer

83: bandit

82: ashley

81: cookie

80: merlin

79: trustno1

78: 1991

77: ranger

76: chelsea

75: banana

74: Jennifer

73: 1990

72: amanda

71: 1989

70: hunter

69: nicole

68: hello

67: maverick

66: blahblah

65: mercedes

64: corvette

63: computer

62: cheese

61: Ferrari

60: starwars

59: 1qaz2wsx

58: andrea

57: lakers

56: andrew

55: 12341234

54: matthew

53: robert

52: 1234

51: sophie

50: pepper

49: joshua

48: tigger

47: 55555

46: jordan

45: solo

44: abcdef

43: letmein

42: ginger

41: jessica

40: 222222

39: harley

38: george

37: summer

36: thomas

35: Hannah

34: daniel

33: buster

32: baseball

31: passw0rd

30: shadow

29: freedom

28: bailey

27: 121212

26: zxcvbnm

25: qwerty123

24: password1

23: Donald

22: aa123456

21: charlie

20:! @ # $% ^ & *

19: 654321

18: monkey

17: 123123

16: football

15: abc123

14: 666666

13: welcome

12: admin

11: princess

10: iloveyou

9: qwerty

8: sunshine

7: 1234567

6: 111111

5: 12345

4: 12345678

3: 123456789

2: password

1: 123456

The worst 100 Password ranking in 2017

The worst 100 Password ranking in 2018 Picture 2The worst 100 Password ranking in 2018 Picture 2

The worst 100 Password ranking in 2018 Picture 3The worst 100 Password ranking in 2018 Picture 3

See more:

  1. Instructions to change Facebook password on computer
  2. Has your password been leaked? Please check now
  3. Facebook is hacked more simply than ever because of the habits that everyone has
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